Monday, 31 March 2014

Bracing myself for what comes next - update.

On Friday I noticed my left thigh seemed to be more swollen. I wondered if it could have been related to another trip to Sydney on Thursday. This time my husband drove so we could attend a funeral of my dear friend's mum - about 9-10hrs return. It got worse over the weekend despite massage.

I wish I'd thought to wrestle slip on my compression [running] pants. Today, I chased around trying to get an ultrasound since I'd self diagnosed a seroma (accumulated fluid) ,much easier to deal with compared to the alternative an infection/abscess or something else - though it was unlikely.

The GP couldn't get me an appointment at either of the two local imaging centres , so he said present to the hospital.

Thankfully, I had my iPad and 2048 and Sudoku to pass the waiting time. My mobile wifi refused to connect.

 I'm grateful I got the ultrasound because I would have cracked it I don't want anything to delay the start of the radiotherapy. My appointment with the Professor -Radiation Oncology is tomorrow to get that rolling.

As it was a seroma (and I was a private patient for my surgery in Sydney), the Dr rang my surgeon in Sydney, out of courtesy, for advice. I need to have the accumulated fluid [seroma] drained by a needle and syringe aspirated under guided ultrasound tomorrow at 9.45am, at the hospital.

It took a while to get everything sorted and then I was quite stressed because I had to be home to meet my boys at the school bus. I made it just in time.

Bracing myself for what comes next because I might need to have it done a few times, I hope it sounds worse than it actually is ?
Fun times.

EDIT - Well we were wrong - the fluid was a haematoma and a collection of blood not serous fluid - about 70mls was aspirated by a bloody big 19 gauge needle and syringe. It is still a bit swollen looking but swelling has reduced. The worse part was the local anaesthetic injection. It is now sorer than before but I'm sucking it up and going to paddle today anyway.

I am now (in the next week or so) in waiting, for the call to give me an appointment for Radiation treatment planning.


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Man, you are in the wars right now. My candles are burning brightly for you, I hope their magic finds you asap.
My recent post Week 13 of My Family and Me
1 reply · active 571 weeks ago
Thank you , apart from adrenalin rushes and hot flushes. I feel ok.
Such a juggling act for you Trish and I bet despite it all when you saw your boys you had the biggest smile on your face and were greeted with lots of hugs. Strength to you lovely x
1 reply · active 571 weeks ago
Especially since I was on hold on the phone so they were half way up the hill by the time I drove down to get them.
Your image sums it all up perfectly. There is little else we can do sometimes than just hope for the best. Hoping so much for you lovely. Sending lots of fairy wishes an butterfly kisses your way xxxx
My recent post Thankful Thursday - The Birthday Edition
1 reply · active 571 weeks ago
Thank you Rainbow Warrior .
Have just read through a number of your posts - you sound like you are facing a few battles at this time, but doing it very bravely and with some humor thrown in. Wishing you healthier days ahead. Take care.
1 reply · active 571 weeks ago
Thank you though it is overwhelming , being tested on numerous levels - blogging and humour helps. I will enjoy going back over your posts too.
Far out Trish that sounds hideous! I'm please it's done with and hoping that you don't need to get too up close and personal with any more 19-gauge needles in the immediate future!
My recent post Why I Won’t Take On The Bullies
1 reply · active 571 weeks ago
They didn't tell me that when I consented - the local was the worse bit. Only a small bruise at the moment, the nurse thought it might be a big bruise from all the poking and pushing they did.
19 gauge. I have no idea of what that is except big. You are such a trooper. I have a theory that needles don't hurt if you can't see them! I hope the paddling was pleasurable rather than painful. I love that last quote - they really are words to live by. I hope you have a wonderful needle-free week x
My recent post Mad as a March Hare
God! So much to contend with... You poor thing! xx
1 reply · active 571 weeks ago
Sometimes it is overwhelming , being tested on numerous levels - blogging and humour helps.
Oh Trish, things HAVE to get better soon, surely. I hope you get that call to plan your radiation treatment really soon - lots and lots of virtual hugs x
My recent post I Must Confess…March Tales
I just want to give you a big fat fricking hug!
My recent post This little man

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