It seems I have more followers but less commenters ...
It has been a long month of NaBloPoMo but I've enjoyed it so far ...
This is but a part of a very long poem by Robert Browning
Yet do much less, so much less, Someone says,Life has been busy , some days it feels like everything is unraveling. The less I do the more I have to do ...eventually.
(I know his name, no matter)--so much less!
Well, less is more, Lucrezia: I am judged.
Anyway, welcome to ICLW visitors ...thnak you for starting at the bottom of the list . (I am # 188) you can read my long term infertility, adoption, pregnancy loss (stillbirth) and IVF (twin) journey ...if you like.
I’d like to invite any lurkers to reveal themselves, so please de'lurk (is this a word ?) and say 'Hi there' or maybe ask me a burning question.
PS Missyboo , I'm working on my honest scrap post I promise it is coming.
I barely blog anymore and I get like no comments. I don't have the followers thing though. It looks ugly!!
Stopping by from ICLW.
I think I am one of those lurkers!!! I don't often comment - probably because I read too many blogs to comment on each and every one!! (it's hard enough finding time to write my own posts!! ;-) )
While it hasn't really been a problem to keep to the commitment, I completely agree NaBloPoMo has seemed long!
@Jenny thanks for stopping by :)
@Sam ~ your cat is gorgeous.Thats ok...I know the feeling.
I lost my cat a year ago (reminds me). Saw the cutest,playful Ragroll (pedigree) kittens (at a friends) yesterday but sadly not in my budget and already sold :(.
@Beth ...I know remembering to post is mine. I had a few I wrote in advance and hundred ideas but just so busy :).
Always lurking.xo
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