However I know that there are so many whose prayers and kind thoughts I have appreciated.
Small comments from a far that bring immeasurable comfort.It’s been such a mammoth 10 months.
The PET scan DH had last week was all clear. We got GOOD news when we saw the Oncologist at Westmead today - except for showing he really did fracture a rib in December when he came off the motorbike at the farm when Dubbo flooded and the farm was inundated with rain and water run off.
No wonder he was so sore. We couldn't get out that night anyway and the next day he had other concerns and soldiered on.I can't believe he struggled through that pain digging and getting vehicle unbogged.
I never want to come off as comment or attention seeking in the face of DH's cancer journey. We still have miles to go before we can feel reassured .They keep telling us what a rare cancer it is. So I feel many more emotions than I can express here.
I don't portray that my life is perfect, because I promise you – it’s not. I so thankful I finally have a little good news to share…it means we can move on with plans to finalise closure of our business, sell our house, have a holiday road trip and take the long road 'home' to a shack in the country.
Ps : We'll celebrate our 21st Wedding anniversary on Thursday so what better gift.
quietly cheering in your corner....... :) :) :)
quietly cheering in your corner....... :) :) :)
That's great news. I hope you do something nice to celebrate a clear scan and your anniversary xx
so happy to hear you good news
It is wonderful to hear the good news leads to such nice options for you too.
Wooot on the PET scan :) and Happy anniversary for Thursday :) 21 is doing well :)
Asking for prayers is never attention seeking :-) It's just what friends (even bloggy friends) are for!!
Sooooo glad to here everything went well - and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY too :-)
So,so glad to hear that! :)
Rejoicing with you with these results but mindful that the journey is longer. I really hope that you can continue uneventfully with all your plans to build a beautiful life fulfilling your dreams!
Wonderful news like this should be shouted from the roof tops, so don't be hesitant in sharing :) Even if there's still a long way to go, every little sucess you have should be celebrated!!
It's not attention seeking - and it's great news by the way. So good to hear.
Great News! Take it and run ... they say being positive is half the battle won. Happy Anniversary too. 21 years is a wonderful achievement. Hope you get a chance to have some special time together.
Wonderful news Trish, I am so happy for your family, I hope the coming months bring lots of joy!
oh good good news.... there is always time to celebrate good news, no matter how big or small! *hugs*
That is the best news I have heard all day. Now let the next phase of madness begin - the move and all the excitement that comes with it. I will be following and supporting you inthe next stage of your journey every step of the way. Enjoy.
Hooray! Love some good news. :-)
Thanks for Rewinding at the Fibro.
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