May 25th - 31st
Lotus @ Sarcastic Mom is the brainchild and host of Weekly Winners. It gives me something to aspire too each week ( a new camera ...)
I discovered Picnik today so many awesome and cool effects.It is fun playing around with photos
Drop in the bucket

Peace Rose - Remember 4th June Blog Blast for Peace
Welcome NCLM visitors - please read my welcome post HERE
My fave is The Tool Men! Love the effect and everything about it!!
Stay warm!
Piknik is cool, I've played around with it a bit.
I love the neon man. LOL! But I agree with Mishelle, the best one is tool men.
I love the photo of your chocolaty little boy! The cat in the dryer is a great shot plus your "Little Monkey Moments" photo reminds me of my daughter because she has no fear.
I'm starting a new meme about children on Tuesday. It's called "Silly Monkey Stories." I hope you'll consider joining in. I bet you have some great stories to tell about those two little monkeys of yours.
Have a great weekend! And thanks for stopping by my blog today!!
Such handsome wee men!
Love that second shot too. very nice.
Wow, those are cool! I never play around too much with effects, but I really might have to start. Great shots!
I love Sand Print. Very nice pictures this week. :)
Lovely photos. I love the neon muscle man one.
Your weekly winners are always fabulous Trish!
I agree - The tool men photo his week is spectacular.
Awesome as usual. I love the pencil drawing effect. And the hand print. Boys are such busy little creatures.
@Mishelle - thank you -this was a lucky capture.
@Jenty- it was so much fun .. I bet photoshop is more fun
@Karen -I will stop by and have a look.Yes we have lots of little monkey moments here.
@Xbox- thank you - those photos were the tap water dripping into plastic basin in the sink. I was playing around with.
@Maggie - piknik was easy as a piknik -go have some fun
@Rebecca - (DH took it) I didn't see sand print till I zoomed it on screen.
@Shameless sassy - that one was one of my favourites- cool effect
@Alison - thank you - it's fun trying different things.
@Janice - yes I am amazed how it does the pencil drawing effect too.
Yes - they are very busy LOL
These are fabulous! I love the one of the boys getting up to mischief near the caravan! I had a good hearty laugh at that. They are so beautiful.
Great shots! Had to do a double take on the Winter socks.....lol..... we JUST got to summer!
As usual, your pictures this week made me smile. The sand print especially!!
Those boys are SO cute. And fearless. It makes me nervous just seeing that photo!
And chocolate cake? Yum. Now I'm hungry!
What CUTE Pictures!! Thanks for the vote! :)
The van should be named soon!
Gorgeous photos! Your little monkey cat looks a lot like our little ninja kitty. And your little guys are just gorgeous. I especially love the eating cake photo.
@Tiff - it's there new cubby ;)
@Mad Squirrel - yes it's winter down under
@Aww Thanks Sarah
@Momma Mary -thank you for visiting
@Mom of two boys - yes fearless monkeys
@Sassy mom- thankyou love your cupcake avatar too.
Pictures are just beautiful....and how cute are the boys! too too cute!
ps yes, i've had an annoying annoymous commentator as well...switched to comment moderation mode too!
Thank you for sharing! I adore your blog. Please keep it up! You can do Blog 365! I'm rooting for you!
Wow, I absolutely LOVE the effects. Love the muscle man shot the best!
Those effects look so fun, Trish!
And I never get tired of your dynamic duo's climbing shenanigans -- little monkeys! :D
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