What made me smile this week
- I got to see a very special friend Tiff @ Three Ring circus and her delightful children - at a picnic in the park
- What can I say Saturday is almost over and I had a great afternoon at the Body and Soul women's event at Church. The Afternoon tea was why I went LOL .
- I made a cute card , learnt a little about winter gardening (potted 4 tiny tomato seeds) and learnt a little about massage and got a short shoulder and scalp massage. I also gave a foot massage ...no way was I soaking mine and I am way too ticklish. It was fun.
- My MIL visited this morning so my computer time was limited *wah* .Actually - it was okay we sat outside in the last of the autumn sun and enjoyed watching the boys play. DH was at work till 1pm.
- This afternoon, after I left for my afternoon off , she repeated everything she had told me to DH ...LOL I checked. Gotta' love her she is so consistent.
- We have HOT water - more than ever the best reason to smile.
- I know I shared it yesterday but for those of you who missed it -
- It has been a lot of fun ...new comments but a lot of my other dear readers seem to be absent. I miss you Okay !
- My virtual friends - new and old - some which are real life friends made me smile.
- Laura's Carly is here
- Yesterday I wrote ...
I am have touched by the many instances this week to the extent that though Internet friends can’t replace your community of real life friends this virtual world they can add to it.
It is the supplementary support, that in good times and/or in bad times brings us to tears and cheers us on.
When our world is shattered - cyber friends can help us pick the 'virtual' pieces. When we are triumphant - they can celebrate with us.
When we use it earnestly and with compassion to reach out in friendship, we can receive it in return - that for some us is very real. I hope that we can give and take a little of this support.In my travels the last few days I have read some heartbreaking and inspiring stories. - Plus found some great steals - Trisha Truly made smile when she shared this guy -11 years old.
Sungha Jung
Welcome to NCLM visitors - my welcome post is here.
I'm not sure who I'm more jealous of, you or Tiff, for meeting the other ;0)
Sungha Jung is just amazing. True talent.
Thanks for dropping by from NCLM. I read you story and wept....I'm so happy you have your twins. They look so sweet!!!
NCLM attendee....
I love that post! I did something like that once before, listing all the things I am thankful for.
It's truly great to sit back and see what makes you happy and thankful.
I am laughing at the MIL consistency. At least she has that!
Fun post. I smiled too.
How strange (at 9:31am on Saturday the 31st of May) to read that YOUR Saturday is almost over, but I’m delighted you enjoyed yours. You’re the 2nd person who has mentioned NaComLeavMo … but I’m not quite sure what it’s about and I don’t need one more thing on my plate. I do, however, ALWAYS leave a comment when I visit anyone … just because ;--)
I’ve participated in Smiley Saturday for the 5th time today at Small Reflections … in the midst of other ‘stuph’ … so enjoy (and/or scroll through) the rest to read of what made ME smile this week.
Hugs and blessings,
I forget that it is Autumn where you are! It is 90's and HOT and HUMID!! I wish it was Autumn! :)
Via NaComLeavMo...
Oooh what has made me smile this week. I think top of the list has to be drinking cold cider in the sunshine with some hilarious friends!
Re: the "mine" phase.... I'll let you know when they grow out of it... it's not looking like that'll happen anytime soon!! :)
Isn't it funny how the smallest things can make you smile?
Here through NCLM. :) Have a great weekend - or what's left of it!!
I love this. I just finished a list of things that make me happy and plan to keep adding to it. Sometimes we overlook all the little things. Thanks for sharing yours.
YAY for hot water!!! You have lots to be happy about!
Hope you are having a good weekend - thanks for coming by - see you - Kellan
Youa nd Tiff got together! Awesome - I am jealous :)
MILs are strange creatures indeed. My revenge will be that I may be one one day - maahahaha!
You have a beautiful life and a beautiful outlook!
Thanks for stopping by my blog.I am hitting you back from NCLM.
Jason the Jerk... hmm I must have missed that. I'm so happy for you and your twins! I am reading your archives :)
@ xbox - She is one of a kind -if you and ET come to Australia we'll show you round.
yes the kid is amazing -hard to chose which of his you tube videos I liked best.
@Pj - thank you & blessings to you
@Dreams Come True - I agree puts it all in perspective.
@Holly - LOL indeed -she told him more too.
@storyteller -thankyou. It is a month long comment leaving carnival of sorts.
@ Mel - our Autumn & Winter are usually mild but I don't mind the cold.
@Katie - nice I love cold cider and friends.
@Mary - thank you and I have been ... I love the weekends.
@Lost in space- thankyou - it is easy to overlook the small things.
@Kellan- absolutely- the best smile in the shower !
@Suze - me too ... I hope it isn't for a while.Tiff is very special.
@Judy - thank you - NaComLeavMon is fun. I am meeting so mnay lovely people and blogs.
@Insanemomma- thank you .Yes, still mildly annoyed about the spamming took me 1.5hrs to remove them all.
It is a battle for all bloggers I think.
What a wonderful week you had! Seeing how great your week was reminded me that I had a pretty good week too.
Visiting from NCLM . . ..
My future mother in law hardly speaks English. I wonder if she understands the middle finger?
So glad you enjoyed your get together. :)
Thank you for pointing out the little things that can make us happy :)
Oh, and I saw that video of that little boy last week! Incredible!
Lovely :)
@Chris - thanks - come and join Lightenings meme any saturday ;)
@Anja -I had plenty of occasions to think about using it when she lived with us - huge mistake ! They are all lovely in small doses. I think that is a universal sign ;)
@Amanda - yes he is good.Thanks - it is the little bigs that mean a lot sometimes.
@Jayne -thanks for stopping by. I know it seems like Pollyanna lives here some days LOL- I like your 'Saturday' posts too.
@ Seabird - sorry I missed you - oh no - everything is 'MINE' ...here according to the boys including my (.)(.).I was hoping it was a short phase LOL.
What a great week that sounds. You make me smile and you really are an inspiration. Funny about the MIL.
What a huge list !!!!!!!
Lovely smiley moments.
So glad you got to meet Trish.
And the gee tar player is amazing !!!!
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