Another week and it has been a good one ... lots of randomness tonight as I wrap up my week.
- Firstly The Blogosphere blitzed Alison's busiest day ever -thanks with over 8000 hits !
- I started
on 25th May . National Comment Leaving Month has been a lot of fun so far and I found a lot of new blogs. - It was my blogosverary too.
- Our dishwasher got attacked by roaches recently - we didn't know. It broke down of the horror of making the teen do the dishes. Exasperating beyond measure.
- Our microwave was finally fixed after 5-6 months. In Dec we called the appliance repair guy who came and looked it over- said it needed new turntable motor. He was going to order it - quote was about $200 .It was a convection microwave that I use as my main oven so we said - yes ! We wanted it back by Christmas ... never happened. We let it slide.
- I still used it -just got used to turning the food or burnt edges LOL. I waited for M to
ring the slackerfix the 'problem '. - Finally a few weeks ago Dh took the microwave to someone else. We got it back yesterday - $142 (yes less indeed than the slacker quoted... *bing* we saved $60 odd )
- I digress to add the
slackerguy who fixed our dishwasher - was the only one we could get - we had no choice since we hoped the dishwasher was a warranty problem. He was the authorised repairer.He still kept us waiting over a week. Unfortunately it was not under warranty and it was expensive - overcharged this too probably and took him 2 hrs to figure out the problem! - The hot water system that didn't heat up last night (apparently - we hope) so we have no hot water tonight. DH had stripped off himself
not for meand the babies for a shower - he jumped in to warm it up ...at the same time I was quickly filling the sink to wash up (non dishwasher stuff) - NO hot water ... I go to tell him - he who is hastily drying off and two nekkid poopy buttered babies are suddenly running about the house. I boil the kettle to make hotwater for the laundry tub bath. The teen is screaming - hey someone wipe his b u m . I chase the babies - Dh is out checking the powerboard ? Who knows why - tomorrow we find out it heats up today overnight- if that makes sense. I stopped him from drilling through the case to push the button to make it start !
What appliances can't you live without ?
I am also very grateful for my Virtual friends - new and old - some which are real life friends .
I am have touched by the many instances this week to the extent that though Internet friends can’t replace your community of real life friends this virtual world can add to it.
It is the supplementary support, that in good times and/or in bad times brings us to tears and cheers us on.
When our world is shattered - cyber friends can help us pick the 'virtual' pieces. When we are triumphant - they can celebrate with us.
When we use it earnestly and with compassion to reach out in friendship, we can receive it in return - that for some us is very real. I hope that we can give and take a little of this support.
I know there are are some bloggers who never get many comments - I was one of them. In my travels the last few days I have read some heartbreaking and inspiring stories.
I try not to comment for the sake of return comments but I know that it the way we start new friendships. We strike a cord and we build up a rapport... eventually... hopefully.
I found another new Aussie blog last week A goodsort - go read there latest post - Are yours heading south ?
and they shared this awesome prose from The Modern Goddess Blog -
Mountain Dreaming from the book
It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living.
I want to know what you ache for
and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing.It doesn’t interest me how old you are.
I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool
for love
for your dream
for the adventure of being alive.It doesn’t interest me what planets are squaring your moon.
I want to know if you have touched the centre of your own sorrow
if you have been opened by life’s betrayals
or have become shrivelled and closed
from fear of further pain.I want to know if you can sit with pain
mine or your own
without moving to hide it
or fade it
or fix it.I want to know if you can be with joy
mine or your own
if you can dance with wildness
and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes
without cautioning us to
be careful
be realistic
remember the limitations of being human...
buy the book from Harper Collins
Welcome - if you are here from NCLM please read my welcome post HERE
Just stopping by.
I have twin boys too. Your boys are so cute and bring back many memories of mine being little. Love the picture of them giving each other a twin hug. Mine are now 14 and still a handful!
LOL ok, first off thanks for the comment on my blog!!!
Your boys are adorable!!
The one appliance that couldn't live without???? Right now it would have to be the washer.... you know how it is having a new baby!! UGH!!!!!!!! The hot water heater is the next though!! Hope you get everything fixed!! HUGS
Hi Trish, thankyou so much for dropping by our blog yesterday and for also mentioning our blog in your post. It has been great meeting you in the last couple of weeks and I love hearing about you life. Have a good weekend, (I am glad you liked my post obout our various parts moving south..you hvave an excuse!!!)
This reminds me how thankful I am for all my working appliances. It's like we don't appreciate them until we don't have them--I cannot be without a washer or dryer or dishwasher. I think I might have a problem with no hot water either. Hope all your stuff gets fixed soon.
Love this idea of writing down things you are grateful for.
Great post :)
Your no hot water story made me laugh! I can just picture the boys running through the house and teen man yelling to wipe their bu ms!
@ two blessings - thank you I stopped by your blog.I have a 14yr old too - what fun hey ;)
@infertile madwoman - hot water is hot this morning - praise GOD !I love my washer too.OMG how they used those old washers years ago - legendary.
@Sallyann - I like your blog ;)
@stars go blue -thank you.I couldn't either.Anyone can join the 52 blessings to be grateful for .It has been GRATE looking for things to be thankful for
@Alison - LOL it was funny and chasing the boys makes them giggle.The teen man doesn't like pooop.
Hey there.
Thank you for stopping by my blog. I am tagging you from NaComLeavCom and love your blog!
Yikes! No HOT water!!!! that's just brutal...since it's so cccc-ooo-lllll-dddd now...
And can I just say that everytime I come to your blog and i see your cute twin boys, I just can't help smiling...they're so so cute...
ps i ABSOLUTELY HATE HATE cockroaches!
@Judy - thanks Judy I &heart you
@Pamela - thanks ! Mice -well in the right place (a cage) they can be cute but roaches never !!! I was so glad it heated overnight ....brrrr.!
Just "meeting" you! Loved reading your post, too funny. Yes, we need our appliances - I can't live without my hot shower!
Happy Blog-Anniversary too!
Alyson LID 01/27/06 IA China
@Allyson - a hot shower is indeed a luxury and a blessing. Thanks for stopping by.
Hi - thanks for stopping by my blog, and leaving that link to Kim@laketrees. Lots of stuff to look at there!
Our geyser broke a week ago so we have had no hot water for a week. During that time I had to travel and thought - great! at least I will have a bath at the hotel. But their geyser was broken too...
I must have done something in a past life :)
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