Incredible, yes ! Another week gone in the blink of an eye. A very historic week in Australia when the Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, of Australia said 'Sorry' to the Stolen Generations... and apologised for the injustices committed against the Indigenous Australians ~ Aboriginals.
A lot of Aussie Bloggers wrote excellent articles on "Sorry" and I am grateful that they did. They wrote from many perspectives -not everyone agreed. I was going to link a few but I didn't want to miss anyone unintentionally so I if you want to read -go to top Australian 100 Womens Button and you will be sure to find several.They covered it from many aspects.
The thing that I can relate to the most is the grief of the mothers' whose children were taken away by force and never saw them again or knew what happened to them. I heard some infants were even taken away at birth. I know what it is like to lose a child but I knew where my daughter was. Those families did not. I cannot imagine those mothers coped.
I hope one of the most positive things that 'Sorry' achieves is reconciliation for the Indigenous people and that the serious issue of child & infant mortality is addressed. The rate of infant death is 4 times higher in indigenous community than rest of Australia - that alone is far too many babies.
I am also grateful this week
♥ for my husband and 18yrs of marriage our anniversary was last Sunday
♥ his strength and his commitment to our children and myself
♥ his love for us all
♥ his culinary skills (his cooked dinner for our Anniversary)

Dessert (no picture) it was gone too quickly~ fresh strawberries &
icecream drizzled with chocolate and whipped cream.
I have so many things to be grateful for, especially for my online friends and all the beautiful people who commented on Charlotte's story.I thank you.I am sorry I have had a busy week and I am still replying to a few people.
I am very grateful for the chance to visit Tiff .We met via an online forum 3 years ago after we lost our babies. It was almost 2 years ago we met in real life at the Christening of her twin son and daughter when they were wee babies and S & J were tiny, little buns in the oven.
We had a lovely day together this week - we live about over 2 hrs (~170kms) apart so it doesn't happen as often as we would like.
Your turn ... what are you grateful for ? join us in grateful Friday (Kate is working on a Mr Linky but her DH and children have been very sick this week)
Also , have you met someone in real life after meeting them online ? a spouse or dear friend ?
My sister met her DH online and another online friend (that I am waiting to meet soon Mel) did too - he was all the way from USA.
I am very grateful for the chance to visit Tiff .We met via an online forum 3 years ago after we lost our babies. It was almost 2 years ago we met in real life at the Christening of her twin son and daughter when they were wee babies and S & J were tiny, little buns in the oven.
We had a lovely day together this week - we live about over 2 hrs (~170kms) apart so it doesn't happen as often as we would like.
Your turn ... what are you grateful for ? join us in grateful Friday (Kate is working on a Mr Linky but her DH and children have been very sick this week)
Also , have you met someone in real life after meeting them online ? a spouse or dear friend ?
My sister met her DH online and another online friend (that I am waiting to meet soon Mel) did too - he was all the way from USA.
Happy belated anniversary....
Wow your husband looks like a good cook! My hubby doesn't cook much...but he makes a mean mac and cheese....LOL!
I am grateful for you.
Belated Happy Anniversary :)
One of my bestest mates and I met online over 8 years ago and we've met up a number of times since as he (and his partner) live in Wollongong and we're in Melb but we're on the phone to each other at least 3 times every week lol.
I'm so glad you were able to catch up with Tiff, give her a ((hug)) from me next time you see her :)
Wishing you a belated Happy Anniversary. Thank you for sharing your blessings in life. Stay happy.
I just spent part of the week with Lotus - so I'm with ya!
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