The perils of being at the mercy of public health system. (I might add a great system when it works in your favour. The local base hospital were prompt to treat and drain my haematoma , by ultrasound -twice this week.I am very grateful)
Yesterday, one Sydney hospital called to organise my PET scan - first I needed the dates for when my radiation would be starting and finishing. The PET scan needs to be 12wks after I finish radiotherapy - though the Radiation oncologist wanted me to have it in 2.5 months time ???
Um *$#@ !
I called the Radiation unit where I have radiation [2hrs away] - no dates yet, no deal and instead of 4wks I was told - it might actually be
6wks before I start,
+ 6-7wks of radiation -
add 12wks recommended wait after I finish radiation (due to inflammation)
They weren't able to give me much information , too early in the process.So ? almost 6 months before I can get the PET scan.
Um *$#@ ! , *$#@ !, *$#@ !
It will be eight months since I was diagnosed, 7 months since the Chest CT showed things we weren't expecting ...the nodules on my lungs and lesion in my neck ? maybe my liver.
The PET is supposed to monitor them and check for growth or NOT; it probably can't tell if Breast cancer or Sarcoma related ?
I re-called the PET suite, while I was on hold they rang one doctor (Not THE Dr I saw 2 weeks ago-she is away) and he said they could do it 6wks after I finish radiation.The lovely lady was 'confused' and is going to follow it up further.
Still till long.
Still too scary.
In six months a lot can happen.
I don't even want to think about it.
Today's quote
“The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Enjoy each day and dwell not so much on tomorrow - because if I
So I am taking things one day at a time, it is the logical thing to do and worrying isn't going to hasten the process.
Cancer is a process, like all disease and illnesses.
In cancer we're always marking time , making decisions or being subject to decisions.
There are choices to be made, different treatments, many
Waiting is *$#@ !* it is difficult to not let things get to me.
Cancer (twice in 21 months) is a haunting situation; it feels like I will never ever relax again.
In happier news in the last few days many kind words have uplifted me, the Nurses at oncology, a few friends and church acquaintances, receiving in the mail :a daily devotional book from my SIL, several card (from the same friend) and a little peaceful thoughts kit and purple butterfly ring from a lovely blogging friend.
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