It's been a challenging few

I've had moments when I have felt so sad but had no-one to turn to. My resilience tank is running on empty.
Overwhelmed ! I can't say too much here.
My Life , a wild, scary roller-coaster ride ...not much coasting along, though lots of screams.
It is two weeks since my 2nd Chemo and I'm on the countdown to my 3rd cycle next Friday. Physically, I feel better and less weary.
I've got
I'm not a hypochondriac but every twinge and little
Now, I am bald, I feel very self conscious and uncomfortable in social situations ... kind of does my hair look alright - sans hair !
I'm nervous about driving and my confidence in everything is shaken. I can't really explain it.
I've yet to be fitted for proper breast prosthesis .The time is nie , now my scars are healing. A private fitting is being organised. I still don't know what clothes I can wear, when winter clothes won't
Yesterday, was the second time I've worn a bra (in over 9wks), with soft 'stuffing' ,because my friend encouraged me to go to the gym. It was good to get back into it but daunting.
I am still paranoid people are
I found this post by SULEIKA JAOUAD ~ Six Ways to cope with Cancer very enlightening and helpful
This is not me but it is the same scarf |
The bright spot that made me grateful this week was receiving a beautiful care package of some gorgeous headscarves from the sister of one of my readers, M. I'll tell you more about Lily in another post. Lily, also cheered me up when she called me too on the weekend.
this one too - |
I get 'sore' ears though from having my ears wrapped up/ when you've been too long on the phone.
Today, I am also reflecting on 8yrs ago when I was induced to give birth to my daughter, Charlotte, born still, the next day.
Grief ; it's so complex. I'm still trying to absorb it into my life . I know it has changed me as a person. Interrupted and changed my whole life in fact. My whole circle of friends. A new online community and some of whom became real life friends as dear as any I have known for years.
What do you know this week ?
Update - The Speech therapist called me , I'm so grateful she is very understanding ; )
Naturally Carol · 654 weeks ago
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@Toushkalee · 654 weeks ago
I also wish I had words that could bring comfort.
sending love
peskypixies 46p · 654 weeks ago
Sending lots of love and hugs
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@_kidsallright · 654 weeks ago
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kdorothy 48p · 654 weeks ago
We are all here gunning for you. Much love....
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AParentingLife 69p · 654 weeks ago
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@Wanderlust_lust · 654 weeks ago
This reminds me of the hero's journey, the monomyth. You've crossed the threshold from the ordinary world to a strange, unknown place. You're in that part of the journey where you're walking alone through the dark forest. But you will emerge transformed. Part of the gift you bring back from that world is your story. By sharing it, you can shine a light on the path that others will walk.
I've created a blog directory of storytelling/healing blogs. I've included your blog in there, under both grief/loss and cancer. Maybe I told you this, I don't remember (I don't think I did - I share with you an embarrassingly spotty memory). There are quite a few breast cancer blogs in the directory. Maybe you've found some of them already. Maybe you're not in a place where you want to read other's stories. But they're there, if you need them (
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Catherine RodieBlagg · 654 weeks ago
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Sim · 654 weeks ago
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Daisy · 654 weeks ago
Karen rambling mum · 654 weeks ago
Ai Sakura · 654 weeks ago
You're an inspiration Trish.
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Jules 52p · 654 weeks ago
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melbomartin 35p · 654 weeks ago
mamagrace71 77p · 654 weeks ago
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Lisa Wood · 654 weeks ago
sounds like a roller coaster ride, one that will end ok. It will. It has to. Sending lots of good thoughts your way, lots of healing thoughts, lots of love.
You are so strong and so very brave xxx
Love those scarfs - they will look so good on you.
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katesaysstuff 122p · 654 weeks ago
theparentingfiles 61p · 654 weeks ago
Caz · 654 weeks ago
tam65 51p · 654 weeks ago
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mayhemmischief 19p · 654 weeks ago
I'm sorry to say darling, that you will continue to have days and weeks like this. My best advice is to seek couselling if it's available. My mistake was leaving it too late. And 2+ years down the track, I too am careful to get every lump, bump and minor ailment checked out. It's not hypochondria, it's good sense and your doctors will tell you the same.
Hang in there Trish, it WILL get better, and I'll say again, that you have an amazing support network. You ARE brave and gracious, and you will get through this. Also, don't be afraid to vent! If you feel like throwing a tantrum, do it! Do it here... we will all understand. Or lie on your bed... kick your legs, and thump some pillows. (I don't recommend you do it in the local grocery store... unless you're keen for a couple of nights or complete quiet and immobility) :)
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