Friday, 31 August 2012

Life, interrupted again.

I know ...

It's been a challenging few weeks days.

I've had moments when I have felt so sad but had no-one to turn to. My resilience tank is running on empty.

Overwhelmed ! I can't say too much here.

My Life , a wild, scary roller-coaster ride ...not much coasting along, though lots of screams.

It is two weeks since my 2nd Chemo and I'm on the countdown to my 3rd cycle next Friday. Physically, I feel better and less weary.

I've got chemo brain memory loss, and now missed the same appointment twice with Speech therapist at Community Health Centre. I haven't the courage to call and apologise a 2nd time ...yet.

I'm not a hypochondriac but every twinge and little pimple or bump thing has me worried.

Now, I am bald, I feel very self conscious and uncomfortable in social situations ... kind of does my hair look alright - sans hair !

I'm nervous about driving and my confidence in everything is shaken. I can't really explain it.

I've yet to be fitted for proper breast prosthesis .The time is nie , now my scars are healing. A private fitting is being organised. I still don't know what clothes I can wear, when winter clothes won't hide cover me up. I threw out 4 bags of clothes the other day.

Yesterday, was the second time I've worn a bra (in over 9wks), with soft 'stuffing' ,because my friend encouraged me to go to the gym. It was good to get back into it but daunting.

I am still paranoid people are looking weirdly at me  giving me the once over, twice !! 

I found this post by SULEIKA JAOUAD ~ Six Ways to cope with Cancer very enlightening and helpful

This is not me but it is the same scarf

The bright spot that made me grateful this week was receiving a beautiful care package of some gorgeous headscarves from the sister of one of my readers, M. I'll tell you more about Lily in another post. Lily, also cheered me up when she called me too on the weekend.

this one too -
I still have to learn to tie the scarves, fashionably, and work around the interference with my BAHA hearing aid. The friction of the fabric covering it makes white noise or squeals but it isn't too unbearable once I get it positioned right.

I get 'sore' ears though from having my ears wrapped up/ when you've been too long on the phone.

Today, I am also reflecting on 8yrs ago when I was induced to give birth to my daughter, Charlotte, born still, the next day.

Grief ; it's so complex. I'm still trying to absorb it into my life . I know it has changed me as a person. Interrupted and changed my whole life in fact. My whole circle of friends. A new online community and some of whom became real life friends as dear as any I have known for years.

What do you know this week ?

Things I Know 150x150

Update - The Speech therapist called me , I'm so grateful she is very understanding ; )

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Trish, my heart breaks for you as I read of your pain and uncertainty. On the other hand I see a woman with courage, resilience and tenacity, a warrior who I admire and is getting through this ordeal day by day inspiring others. When our lives are shaken to the core, loss of confidence is not unexpected but as time will prove I am sure you will regain it. Much love and hugs from here. xox
My recent post Show & Tell...
1 reply · active 654 weeks ago
Trish, you have strength beyond belief. Bless you and there's lots of love being sent your way xx
My recent post Tips for packing when you’re off on a short break
1 reply · active 654 weeks ago
Hi Trish, sorry to hear that you're having a rough patch. I know what you mean about social situations. When I first got my wig, an unthinking acquaintance shouted out at a party, "It looks great, you wouldn't even know it's a wig!". Gee thanks, well now everyone does. Ah well, I hope you're feeling more yourself soon. xx
1 reply · active 654 weeks ago
Oh Trish, what you are feeling is perfectly understandable and I wish I could give you a big hug right now. Do not be afraid to say what you are feeling. It is important to share it and write about it. You are a beautiful writer and you are helping many other people at the same time. Grief takes you all over the place it is true to the depths of despair and back up again. You cannot be expected to be positive all the time and you have shown such great strength and courage. I admire you enormously for how you have dealt with lots of things in your life. Hang tight to your friends and the support they offer. You will get the hang of the scarves or you might even decide to rock that pink wig instead. You will regain your confidence and being out and about and going back to the gym and other places you frequented will help. Hang tight to those beautiful boys and men of yours. My love and prayers are with you.
My recent post Dear Brands and Advertisers
1 reply · active 654 weeks ago
Everything you're going through is a massive confidence killer. Just hang onto that light at the end of what must seem like a dark, lonely tunnel right now. Your hair will grow back, you'll get brand new boobs, you'll beat the cancer and one day you'll all get to hug Charlotte. In the meantime keep getting out of bed, hugging your kids and logging onto this awesome online community for support xo
My recent post Miss Princess is a tantrum champion with a LARGE repertoire!
Hang in there hon.

Sending lots of love and hugs
My recent post Progress
1 reply · active 654 weeks ago
You're doing a great job, Trish. You are getting through each day. You are surrounding yourself with supportive people, you are venturing out and about despite your fears. It is not surprising that your confidence has been shaken, it would have been more surprising if it hadn't been.

We are all here gunning for you. Much love....
My recent post Things I Know - some things aren't meant to be
1 reply · active 654 weeks ago
I know that when I read how you were feeling overwhelmed I felt a little embarrassed to think I had written something similar. I know it is all relative to our own situations but your overwhelm seems so much more justified than mine. Sending many love filled fairy wishes and butterfly kisses your way lovely lady.
My recent post I may not be blogger of the year but I am...
1 reply · active 654 weeks ago
I can't find words to express the admiration I have for you. Your dignity and courage, honesty and vulnerability are inspiring. I feel helpless because I can't do anything - I want to reach out and hug you and hold your hand. Instead I'm sending out my love to you through the ether xxx
My recent post A – Z of Relentless Mothering – Part 4
1 reply · active 654 weeks ago
I am so glad that I have found your blog - what an inspirational woman! Thank you for taking the time to share your experiences and your thoughts so honestly, it has definitely helped me to see my world and my family in a different light today.
My recent post Mummy's preschool meltdown
1 reply · active 654 weeks ago
Oh Trish - you really are so strong. You probably get sick of people saying so, but honestly - despite all that's happening to you and that you've written here I still feel a sense of optimism in your words. Your spirit is shining through xx
1 reply · active 654 weeks ago
I know that I want to give you a great big hug, right through the computer screen. xx
1 reply · active 654 weeks ago
You've been through so much before and I know you are so strong to go through this now.
You're an inspiration Trish.
My recent post Bub & Me: Teacher's Day 2012 | DIY Hand-stamped Tote Bags
1 reply · active 654 weeks ago
Sending you a great big hug. xo
My recent post Unconscious Mutterings #29
1 reply · active 654 weeks ago
I'm sorry you're having a bad time. I've been thinking of you a lot this week, for obvious reasons and I knew Charlotte's anniversary was coming up. Life isn't easy on any front for you right now but I hope you know you can reach out whenever you feel the need. xx
1 reply · active 654 weeks ago
Trish, my friend. One day at a time. One step at a time. One moment at a time. I can't begin to imagine how taxing this must be for you emotionally and physically. But I do know you're a fighter. I am so certain of your strength. Be assured we're all here with you. Every step of the way. xxx
My recent post FYBF Featured Flogger – Rachel from The Kids Are All Right
1 reply · active 654 weeks ago
wish I could give you a big hug xxxx

sounds like a roller coaster ride, one that will end ok. It will. It has to. Sending lots of good thoughts your way, lots of healing thoughts, lots of love.
You are so strong and so very brave xxx

Love those scarfs - they will look so good on you.
My recent post Things I Know About Healing And Our Crazy Lifestyle
1 reply · active 654 weeks ago
Trish what I know is that even though I don't comment as much as I did and we seem to miss each other on Twiteer a bit lately, you are in my thoughts and my heart always. xox
1 reply · active 654 weeks ago
All i know is that you continue to inspire me with your strength, bravery and determination. May your strength continue to grow and inspire your boys to always keep fighting as well. xxx
1 reply · active 653 weeks ago
Just (((((hugs))))).
1 reply · active 653 weeks ago
Trish I am so glad you are getting brave to go out into the world and participate more in life. I hope that you continue to recover and have more postive days. My hugs are being sent to you espcially in storage for those days when you need it.
My recent post Fridays Fabulous Five # 19
1 reply · active 653 weeks ago
Trish, Everything you are feeling is completely normal. To have the added complication of your Little Angel's anniversary makes it a wonder that you're still on your feet.

I'm sorry to say darling, that you will continue to have days and weeks like this. My best advice is to seek couselling if it's available. My mistake was leaving it too late. And 2+ years down the track, I too am careful to get every lump, bump and minor ailment checked out. It's not hypochondria, it's good sense and your doctors will tell you the same.

Hang in there Trish, it WILL get better, and I'll say again, that you have an amazing support network. You ARE brave and gracious, and you will get through this. Also, don't be afraid to vent! If you feel like throwing a tantrum, do it! Do it here... we will all understand. Or lie on your bed... kick your legs, and thump some pillows. (I don't recommend you do it in the local grocery store... unless you're keen for a couple of nights or complete quiet and immobility) :)

My recent post My Debut Novel
1 reply · active 653 weeks ago

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