Monday 17 May 2010

Just whistle ...

I saw this over at Sarah's .I am a devotee of positive affirmations and thinking positively (out loud anyway) ...

I admit to stealing using a few of Sarah's , you know, because I just didn't know where to start and they were such good affirmations.

The week ahead is a going to be a good one.

  1. I will be a patient wife and mother.
  2. I will not get engaged in conflict needlessly ...though my teen pushes all my buttons & makes me blow my top. ...I will just start whistling
  3. I will ignore my husband's lack of reaction to #2. la la la
  4. I will keep the peace at all costs.
  5. I will be more thoughtful about the needs of those around me.

    You must be mindful of every interaction with another human being. Approach each person mindfully, with your full attention, smiling, seeking to understand them, trying to interact with gentleness, warmth, compassion.

    When someone comes to talk to you, when your kid tugs on your pant leg for attention, when your spouse or best friend starts speaking, turn to them without distraction, putting everything else away, and give your full attention. Listen... ~ZEN Habits

  6. I will find 5 things for my gratitude list every day.

  7. I will walk my 10,000 steps everyday.

  8. I will take each day as it comes and try not to worry too much ahead.
  9. I will live more simply.
  10. I will go to bed very night by 10pm.
My intentions will be good and I will try my hardest. What are you affirmations for this week ?
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Lilly said...

Hello Trish. I just read your comment. I had no idea. Your strength amazes me. And you are one of the most positive people I know. If there is anything I can do please let me know. I love your list of positive affirmations. True, take each day as it comes and dont think too far ahead. Lost of love Lilly xx

Lilly said...

Oops that would be lots of love. My fingers type too fast for my brain!! Or my brain is too slow to catch up, one or other.

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

@ Lilly - thank you , I'll have to start covering my walls with post it's I think to keep reminding myself.

Mum-me said...

These are great - and good luck with implementing them (especially the teenager one ... I think an alien came one night and took over my teenage daughter's body. Makes it easier to cope with if you think of them as an alien.)

I really like that ZEN Habit thingo. If only we could all treat each other that way! Wow!!

allison tait said...

Great list! We should all take a few of these on board. *goes away to practise not reacting...*

Anonymous said...

Just whistle. I do believe that I will start doing this. Might snap the kids out of their fighting...maybe..
Patience is definitely something that I need to work on!

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