A few weeks ago it was #3 son Joel, having a concussion & surgery for a laceration under his eye, then DH having what was supposed to be simple surgery for drainage of an abscess or something. Then last week the Teen cutting his foot while swimming (or exiting the water) at the local river. He had a few sutures. J had another fall at a playground...phew just a bruise.
DH - it wasn't an abscess.
So, here we are.
So, I've been going through that paralysis that hits when there is lots to say and fear to say it... my husband has been diagnosed with a 'tumour' near his right temple.
So, they aren't sure what it is exactly.
So, today was the first appointment with the Surgical oncologist. I won't go into details.
The Specialist Dr is lovely and positive.
The Cancer Care Centre is a relatively new purpose built consultation & treatment centre.
It's interior is bright & shiny, calming & comforting in a way.
It was quiet.
Gentle whispers and voices , soft padding of feet on the carpeted floors.
All the people we saw probably have their own stories to tell. Each person seemed to have a support person, they encourage it. Some you could see were well into their
Though, no one looks another in the eyes, you can see we all are here to find our way to the silver lining - the place where you can feel hopeful again.
Things in life aren’t always easy, we are changed after we or our loved ones experience Cancer and other serious illnesses.
My main advice (for myself) is don't think too far ahead. Don't worry too far ahead. I (we) have to literally take each day as it comes. Be thankful for the time and the days you get to spend together, spend them wisely.
A young, pregnant mum (of 2 under 3), I know of , lost her 36yr old husband unexpectedly , in his sleep over Easter. I don't know any more details why... but it makes you stop in your tracks.
Whatever you want to do, do it now (realistically)- there are only so many tomorrows. Look at your situation and make adjustments. We've had a few plans now to leave our business and do some amazing things and we will (that's another future post or two) ...sooner.
Days of Grace
- Private health Insurance ...so his surgery is able to be scheduled for next week.
- Today , I'm especially grateful for our family & friends who are generous, loving, and prayerful.The unchanging, steady pillars of faith alongside our faith in God.
- The prayers that are being said daily on our behalf mean the world to us.
- Opportunities waiting to be explored in other areas in our life. (We have a lot of other exciting things happening)
- Strawberry cream filled Freddo frogs...not quite silver but mmm.
Noun | 1. | silver lining - a consoling aspect of a difficult situation; "every cloud has a silver lining"; "look on the bright side of it" |
Ps.. It would have been my Dad's 68th birthday tomorrow.Today, we were right next door to the hospital where he passed away from his battle Leukemia 4.5 yrs ago. I miss him.Tonight I'll raise my glass to him. He did love a good wine.
We were also right next door to the IVF clinic where our gorgeous twins Sam & Joel were conceived. That's all ...
Raising my glass to you and yours as well. Your positive thinking inspires me and moves me. Much love, positive thoughts and prayers.
Oh, Trish, I am so sorry. How brave and positive you are. Thinking of you all.
Thinking of you and M, Trish.
Oh Trish... upholding you, DH and the kids in prayer. xx
Thinking of you.... I'm so sorry your family is dealing with this. Much love. xoxo
I'm so sorry that you are going through this. I will include you, your husband and your family in my prayers. xx
thinking of you here with love
Oh, sweetie! I'm such a slack blogger-friend and then I come in here after ages away to read this...
You're being your usual amazing self in your focus on the positive, and truly, if there is one guaranteed cancer cure, then that is the power of that positivity.
Having said that, let the grief and fear travel through you sometimes - say 'hello' to them and then let them go. Resisting causes more harm than good, and a good private cry is good medicine for you. You've got a difficult journey of your own, 'cos you are about to be the anchor and the rock, as your husband travels his own internal and physical journey. Take care of you, too.
I'm here, anytime...whatever the feelings. You know where to find me. Love. xxx :)
Trish, thinking of you all, hoping all treatment goes smoothly and the darkest hours speed past quickly xxxx
Adding my prayers to the rest. Huge hugs for you too.
Oh Trish, so sorry to read this. :( Sending all our positive vibes and hugs your way. You have an amazing attitude xx
There I was thinking I had had a stressful day ... I really don't know what to say, I'm so sorry to hear this.
I was hoping no news was good news...
Oh sweetie. You are giving yourself good advice... but I'm going to add to that (from experience)...
Look after yourself.
Take those extra 15 minutes to lie in the bath.. or whatever you need to do for you.
It's a tough road you're on. You need extra TLC.
I'm sorry you and your husband are going through this. I'll pray for him.
What scary news :( Many positive thoughts your way that it ends up being something easy and painless to take care of.
xoxoxo thank you my friends for all your kind thoughts I sincerely treasure each comment made and consider it a thoughtful act of friendship.
Your prayers are much appreciated.
Trish so sorry to hear this. Will keep you and your family in my prayers.
late in reading and late in commenting... but thinking of you and sending all my love to you all.
Catching up on some blog reading... wow!
thinking of you and your DH and your kids (((HUGS))) will add you to my prayers
Ack! I've been sucky at blogging lately and I didn't catch this earlier. Holding out hope and healing for all of you.
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