Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Little Lives ...not a little loss

Wordless Wednesday

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day

Light a candle at 7pm for one hour to create a worldwide wave of light for 24hrs.
The candle burns in memory of our babies

Read more here and here


Pamela said...

I've never heard of this remembrance day.
I must be a step in healing...

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

@ Pamela - it is and a chance to unite in strength and love.

Anonymous said...

Hugs Trish,
Thinking of you and Charlotte and all of the little lives lost today.

Lilly said...

Trish, lovely post - all of us will be thinking of our own little loved ones and of those of people we know. Take Care.

Anonymous said...

Just waiting until 7pm here.

Thinking of you and everyone else today.

Anonymous said...

Lit a candle for you, me and all who have lost a baby.

MiLeT said...

i never heard about this day, thanks for information. i love the heart candle.

happy wednesday. hope you can visit my WW!


Dad of Divas said...

I had never heard of this rememberance day...but it is a great idea. I love the hand and moon shot!

The Livy Updater said...

Happy WW!

Bobbie said...

Wow, that is such a lovely pic! You can view mine HERE

Anonymous said...

I will light a special Candle in honor of those lost. Thoughts and prayers. -Veronica

Anonymous said...

Dear Trish,
I am unable to give you a Wordless Wednesday link because I am in LA - here to see Tina Turner in concert.
So, no blogging this week.
Maybe next Wed.
However, thanks for the info. about the Remembrance Day - I lost my first-born to abortion so I will be remembering him.
Thanks, too for visiting my site and filling out the reader survey. Sure appreciate it.

Amy @ Six Flower Mom said...

Lovely and very touching. A magical WW to you.

MissyBoo said...

My candle was lit at 7pm for Kai, and Charlotte and all the angel babies xxx

alicia said...

I will be lighting a candle tonight for all my friends who have gone through a loss.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is simply beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for reading my blog. You are not at all insenstitive for mentioning your blessings! I am so sorry about Charlotte. I lost Jonasen's twin, Andrew at 39 weeks from a cord accident. Baby "E" was my first (and hopefully only) miscarriage.

Thank you so much for sharing yourself with me. I absolutely love the idea of the writing the names in the sand and watching them peacefully disappear. I am going to have to check that our for sure. Thank you for sharing it with me! I will also share it with other angel mom's who I've met through our support group at the local hospital!
It brought tears to my eyes that you are remembering my baby boy. I had a co-worker send me a little card too. It is such a blessing to know that we live in a community that cares.

Carly Marie said...

Trish I lit candles for our babies :) I will send you the photo's :) I also made a youtube video, its on my blog if you ever want to watch it.

Thinking of you

Carly x

Alison said...

Big hugs, Trish.

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