Monday, 30 June 2008

Oh what a night ... 24 months ago

On another wistful night ... 24 months ago tonight about 10pm (Friday 30th June) they told me I would be having my babies by Cesarean section the next day. Oh ,what a night twas ...

Part 1

During 36th week I was feeling very uncomfortable. I wasn’t sleeping much and was very tired. It was also the first week I hadn’t worked. My SIL had come down from Queensland to work for us (as her missionary ‘mission’). It was good timing.I was feeling a little itchy at times and in the back of my mind I remembered reading a few posts about it on the parenting forum.

I mentioned it to the Registrar at the High risk antenatal clinic when I went for my appointment on 29th June. I never asked him directly about obstetric Cholestasis though.The Professor (OB) was away overseas so I never saw him. The week before Twin 1’s fluid level was in the lower range and there was a slight concern.

So I had an extra scan on 29th June. The scan showed Twin 1’s fluid levels were normal again.The Registrar just said it was common for increased itchiness due to twin pregnancy stretching the skin more and dryness etc. I accepted what he said because it wasn’t too bad.

Friday 30th June,2006 I was very tired and exhausted. I got up had breakfast and fell asleep in a recliner chair – which we had borrowed. I found it hard to get comfortable elsewhere. I had some lunch and feel asleep again. I woke up and was so itchy all over. I was scratching myself so much and applying cold cloths and took a non drowsy antihistamine Claritine (after I checked on Internet it was safe).

I knew it wasn’t right the way I was feeling. My DH came home and I very uncomfortable and feeling irritable. Not sure of what I did exactly when but -I checked BB for the thread again about itchiness; I rang the hospital and was put through to delivery suite and checked my pregnancy books again. I was sure it was obstetric cholestasis.The risk of stillbirth was all I could think about.

I couldn’t bear it having had my precious Charlotte born still 22months before.The Midwife said to come in .I had a feeling I wouldn’t be coming home again before their birth so I quickly grabbed a few things. I hadn’t packed my labour bag- all week I meant to but I was so exhausted I never got around to it .Lucky they were all pretty much laid out in one room. We organised DS and dropped him at a friend’s place. I was so upset and uncomfortable I couldn’t eat anything (big mistake).

It was about 6.30 pm when we got to delivery suite and we went straight in. After a short while a midwife came and asked a few questions, did temp/pulse/blood pressure and said she would put CTG on me (to check babies).

I knew the babies were moving okay but at the same time I was worried things could change in a matter of minutes. I just wanted to know they were okay. The CTG was fine she said. Then they came and took blood after 8pm.By this stage we were starving and there wasn’t anywhere open for food. I was wondering how long it was going to take and if I would be staying overnight or having the babies at all. We joked lightly about the baby bonus going up in a few hours by $1000 each ...

A Midwife came and said sorry they were still waiting for blood results at about 9pm. At 10pm they came and said results were back and not right and they were waiting for another Dr to review them.

DH & I joked again making it to 1st July.Finally after about 11pm the Dr came and said I would be having the babies tomorrow morning by C/S (they were breech), classed as emergency. They had to call the team in (extra for twins).Part of me didn’t want to have my babies @35wks4days - I was so scared of having babies but worse about not having them.

I knew they would be okay at this gestation. I was relieved in a way.Around midnight they took me to antenatal ward. I was weighed /temp /BP check / Obs/urine test etc ,questions and settled into bed. DH went home.They did another quick check with CTG machine but only to listen to heartbeats, I then had to wait for Dr to come and put IV cannula in-about 1.30am.The MW said I was a bit dehydrated – I said I haven’t eaten or had much to drink. I barely slept -The lady (also heavily pg) beside me had 'constipation' issues so was up/down and I had so many things going through my mind. I wanted to keep feeling babies move to know they were okay. I watched the clock tick away to pass time.

Part 2

I was up early for a shower/ 'shave' by midwife– all my plans to wax / trim and shave my legs and get all pretty ? - gone. Then I had to wait as they had two real emergency c/s.

My Mum came in to wait and worry with us. Finally I was taken to OT at about 12.15pm.Nervous – you bet -but no tears yet.After I was wheeled into what I think was some kind of waiting bay DH was taken away to get changed. A few staff introduced themselves.

As soon as I saw two midwives come in with bassinets I started to cry- it had taken me about 14yrs to get this far. I couldn't imagine my babies in them. They said not long now – just getting everything ready.

I was wheeled into the OT – a large room and so much equipment. Things were explained to me and I was positioned for the spinal block. It was so awkward with my huge belly – they injected the local but I hardly felt a thing. I was laid flat with the bed tilted slightly –then they started preparing me I couldn't see anything 1. a huge screen (1m high in front) .2. I couldn't see without my contacts or glasses.

They tested sensation with ice cubes – I had cold water dripping into my ears and finally I couldn't feel anything - except embarrassment especially the catheter. Waiting...waiting - I the felt a tugging and stinging sensation … I didn't know what was going on really. I was in a daze. Maybe I had been given something else.It happened so quickly next - I heard that beautiful cry I waited for so long to hear – what I missed with Charlotte.

Samuel was born 12.51pm and whisked away to be seen to –suction and O2- he was not even to be shown to us. Then a minute later (though it seemed longer) Joel was born 12.52pm. Another wondrous cry .He was also taken away to be suctioned and seen to. There was a flurry of activity and anaesthetist left me and went to where the boys where. My DH told me later they called a code blue for Samuel.

The anaesthetist came back and told me all was okay. They said they were taking the boys to NICU and some said “we had better show mum before they go”. I saw them for maybe 10 secs and they were so wrapped up I barely saw them but gave them a quick hello and a little kiss. I was then stitched up and taken to recovery. I had terrible pain despite a PCA and I needed a few bolus doses – it still didn't help.

I stayed in recovery for about 1.5hrs then was taken back to antenatal ward. The only thing on my mind was seeing my boys again to make sure they were okay. My DH came and saw me and told me they were perfect and beautiful.

Finally at about 8pm I was wheeled down still in my bed to NICU to finally hold and see my precious sons. They were perfect in very way. I couldn't believe I had carried both of them.Samuel 2960gm (6lb8.5oz) 46.5cm Joel 2164gm (4lb12oz) 43cm .

S & J spent 19 'long' days in hospital - 3 days in NICU though well and then another 16 days in Special care Nursery - transferred to our local hospital to establish feeding and weight gain.

I felt they should have been home a lot sooner but not the hospital

I am so thankful to everyone who shared my journey and encouraged me along the way - a very special mention to Tiff. A true friend who allowed me to share her journey with her 2nd set of twins Ivy & Noah right from the very first two lines ... to two heartbeats and allowed me the pleasure of announcing their arrival on the Internet forum where we met.Then she was their to celebrate all my pregnancy milestones including a few 'curly' questions.

Then she encouraged me very step of the way and supported me ... like the wind beneath my wings. I am forever grateful for our friendship.

So many coincidences and tragedies we shared as well as the most joyous of occasions - like birthing our precious twin miracles after losing angel babies ~William David~ 2/4/04 - 7/4/04 and ~Charlotte Rose~ in 2004.

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Anonymous said...

Wonderful - I so love hearing birth stories. Happy birthday, boys!

Anonymous said...

oh what a lovely story! happy birthday to the boys, looking forward to seeing the photos!

Alison said...

Gosh birthing stories always make me cry!
What an incredible entrance they made. Thank you for sharing it :)

Jayne said...

That was a fantastic birth story, thanks for sharing :)

Anonymous said...

I am crying.
I will be forever thankful to have met you.
Your boys are so special, as are you.
You have helped me through so many bad times, my friend.

Happiest of birthing days to you, and happy birthday to S & J.

Lilly said...

That was a beautiful post. An absolute tear jerker. I hope you have a big celebration with your handsome boys. So much to celebrate!

Paula said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAMUEL & JOEL!!!!! You have come a long way babies :) And happy birthday to mama and daddy too....what a blessed family you all are (including older bro bro). I will be thinking of you as you all celebrate this exciting milestone!! Party party party.
Love Paula

Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful. I hope that you have an amazing day tomorrow with them.

Jenn said...

I love birth stories and really enjoyed reading about how your little guys made their entrance into the world. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my, we have some similarities !!!!

There is a twin forum I belong to too. I wonder if it is the same one.

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

@Janine: thank you

@Louise: thank you -you can see some on Weekly winners post Sunday

@Alison: thanks Alison I tear up at birth stories too

@Jayne: thank you for reading.

@Tiff:(hugs) thank you

@Lilly:indeed we do have much to celebrate

@Paula: thanks Paula we did party party !

@Veronica:We did have a great day

@Jenn:thanks Jenn

@widdleshamrock: I have belonged to a few WS - I wonder too.Once I found blogging I rarely go into forums again.Just a favourite.

Child Life said...

Reading this story just makes those birthday pictures extra priceless, Trish -- such a joy to see them doing so well now! Any amount of time spent in the NICU is just exhausting -- I'm so glad that your little guys didn't have to stay any longer than they did.

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