Reading the blog blast for peace posts was very insightful to how blessed many of us are.
Thanks to everyone who joined in the last post.I really enjoyed your answers.I learnt a few things. It is amazing how far the blogsosphere stretches.
Years ago we would never how known what life was like on other continents unless we read or traveled a lot.
Tonight we have a celebration - a family dinner tonight for my sister's birthday.It was fun and good food my Mum cooked.
My week ... It has been a busy week visiting new NCLM blogs.I have been visiting more than 5 per day - I am enjoying it. I even cleared my Google reader today.I spend a lot of time reading and commenting lately.
So far I have been sticking to my June goals ... with the best of intentions.
I have been riding my exercise bike every night started with 15mins , then 4 nights of 20 mins - plus I do 5 mins warm up and cool down. It has been so tough ...OMG I didn't realise how unfit I was. I am a very lazy housekeeper so I have to get off this seat more I think.
I have been turning the computer off by 12midnight'ish.
I have eaten less chocolate but that cake .... I couldn't waste it so I had a piece or three.Then the Tool man took the last 2 pieces to work I
The apples I have had a few ...
I got to the playgroup car park by 10.04am.
I got 3 days of posts up before 3-4pm.
Tomorrow I plan to plant some seedlings.
More to do's ...
spend more time playing with my precious little boys ... my days go by in the blink of an eye and I can't believe they are almost 2.
smile more ... worry less
laugh more ...whinge less
love more ... love more
love more ... link more ;;;
Eat more
.. right I had better go to bed
Welcome NCLM visitors - please read my welcome post HERE
Great post, Trish! You sound busy (as always)!
I've been good and haven't had any chocolate in WEEKS!!! It's been hard, but I just may indulge tonight. My excuse? I've got some bananas that are starting to go brown, so I think I'll make some chocolate chip-banana bread as a treat for Hubby (and me)! LOL!
I applaud you for keeping up with and reaching your goals! Congrats.
Good on you, sticking to your goals Trish! Especially the no chocolate. Wow! - I am in awe.
Have fun laughing more. I love that goal.
I am in awe Trish as to how you fit in so much. Do you want to come and organise my life? I seriously think the more people have to do, the more they achieve in oall sorts of ways. You are definitely one of those people and are an inpiration. Now I have to get more serious about the no chocolate and more fruit goal as well. You have shamed me into it - I have no excuse at all...he he
Thanks for the welcome post and also for the great summary on the "About Me" page. I'm so glad you got your beautiful twin boys! Congrats! Don't worry, it does not upset me at all! It reminds me of my own nephews. Also twins that were a result of IVF!
Good on you gor making goals and sticking to them! I haven't had cjocolate for AAAAAges, so was thinking a long wekend is a good excuse to remedy that, although maybe I won't now - you've inspired me :)
C: mmmm please post the recipe I have some bananas going brown too. cups too if you can, not pounds, because lbs always make me feel guilty and I am lousy at converting.
Kelly:thanks for visiting -there is always a first time for everything ;
Alison: I did say less chocolate ... really who do I measure against ;. I am trying at least.Yes ,laughing is a good goal.
Lilly:I forgot about the bananas in the fridge -oops. WE can encourage each other.
I should have a do more housework goal on my list ... next year.
KCMarie:thanks for visiting and reading my about me. Congratulations on twin nephews - boys are a lot of fun.
well done on your goals!! It's great that you are sticking with them.
@Suze : we crossed over ... I had one square tonight (mmm &hearts Cadbury has huge squares)
@Bettina : it's been so hard getting on tne bike .... my arms ache (dual action contraption) and The chocolate I don't miss so much (call me crazy or am I losing my mind) I missed screwup Tuesday and I had screw ups - double whammy.
Thank you for blogging about BlogBlast For Peace and participating. Good luck in all you do and peace to you and yours,
Mimi Lenox
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