So many things made me smile, want to laugh, do a
- A new thing - the Tool man started our awning so we will have an outside undercover area
for blocking out the neighbours peeving over us entertaining friends or each otherfor the Brothers to play under whatever the weather and dry clothes.
I listed a few others yesterday so today I am turning it over to you - what made you smile and if "peace begins with a smile"~Mother Teresa - How can you make someone else smile ?
- I have an online friend who just started a new blog ... Nicki @ Mum, are we there yet ?
Please go and read of her daughter, Katie's Make a Wish trip to Disney World in Orlando Florida
and NASA - she would love to get some visitors. That would make her SMILE ! She is going to write a guest post for me - that makes me smile.
Right now some other very special friends of mine are in hospital so please go leave a message for them and say a prayer for them
I am also feeling teary for another non blogging pregnant 'Z' (33wks) friend has been in hospital with pre eclampsia , they let her out and she is staying in Ronald McDonald house .She has to stay close to this major hospital (she lives a few hours away) in case her little girl comes early. Z has other medical issues too.
She lost her first little boy three years ago (for other reasons) late in pregnancy .We met online and even twice in real life - she lives over 12 hours away so I can't go see her. Can you say a prayer for her too.
"There are two things that I have found to always be true in life, no matter what.Author unknown ...
1. Every day the sun will rise. It is a different day with endless possibilities.
2. This too will pass. These words, engraved on an ancient Sultan's ring, made him solemn in happy times and happy during sad times. Remember these always."
You are amazing. You're doing a great job. Just. Keep. Going.
Those are not my words I can only echo them and maybe sing them from the roof top.
Welcome NCLM visitors - please read my welcome post HERE
See other Smiley Saturdays at Lightenings Online.She has a great post this week on Time to Take care of ourselves.
I really really hope that your friend Z keeps her baby inside for a bit longer!
Awwww, Trish.
Saying a prayer for your friend. May God's grace and love be hers.
I am a scrapper too, so will visit your friend.
((hugs)) for your friend.
Lots of thoughts and prayers for your friend.
will be thinking of your friends.
So what is a NCLM?
@Jenty: thank you so do I.
@Widdle Shamrock: thank you for the prayer and visiting my friend's new blog.
@Jayne:thank you
@Jeanie:thanks for your prayers.
@Kelley:thank you - the hotline to heaven will be busy tonight.
NCLM -is National comment leaving month a kind of comment love fest. You leave comments on blogs...
I'm glad you've so much smlling going on. I'll be thinking good thoughts for your friends. Sounds like they deserve good things.
@Portia - thank you and very much so.
Isn’t it good to stop and reflect for a few minutes each week to consider the ups & downs … focusing on things to make ourselves and other smile! I enjoyed ‘catching up’ in this post, and will definitely remember Z in my prayers.
I’m visiting late (on Monday) because I didn’t have time over the weekend, but I did post MY Smiley Saturday on time and hope you’ll find time to visit.
Hugs and blessings,
I always enjoy your Smiley Saturday posts Trish. Thanks for joining us again. :)
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