Last night I left my blogging and rss feeds *gasp* to watch a movie with the family .. "The Bee Movie" -funny and different.Then I helped my husband tidy up instead of sitting at computer again.I thanked him before I went to bed and told him I loved him (I do this often but I guess not enough).
Day One:
"The heart of her husband safely trusts her; so he will have no lack of gain. She does
him good and not evil all the days of her life." Prov. 31:11-12
To refresh your memory...here's the 30-Day Encouragement Challenge...for the next 30days:
* You can't say anything negative about your husband ...to your husband...or to anyone else, about your husband.
* Say something that you admire or appreciate about your husband...to your
husband...and to someone else, about your husband!
To help you get started, have you ever thanked your husband
This morning I officially started Day 1 ... I woke up and remembered , I jumped out of bed with a spring in my step to go make him a cup of tea in bed ... he was in the shower when I returned but it was the thought that counts.(ps I didn't have time to hop in LOL).He always make me a cup of tea. I thanked him because he is an exceptional fellow and does so much around the house.
It was fitting the Head or Tails this week is Directions - I really took to heart what Skittle has written this week . I could have written this too. For me, too, my blog has become a bit of sore point with my husband - he doesn't like the time I spend online. So it is a struggle because being I feel so alone and isolated at times -it is my lifeline and my sanity. I guess like Skittle I need to chose 'real life' a little more often. So if you see less of me that's why. It isn't a flip of the coin - heads or tails ...
Darling - I love and cherish you in my life thanks for choosing me.
OMG - what a coincidence ... was Googling a song about 'Direction' and thought of Every which way but loose ... (by Eddie Rabbitt who I have never heard of - to be honest but I have heard of his music) -then I started listening to You & I - I loved it ... but not the cheesy Dallas Montage with Patrick Duffy & Victoria Principle . I saw another version with the album cover - Radio Romance - which it what ours was - freaky. Read about it HERE
Trish, I really admire and appreciate you doing this. When I read blog posts that insult a husband, I get upset. They are people, and should not be spoken of like that in blogs. My husband died and I wish to God he didn't and it hurts to see other women treating their husbands like a joke. So this post of yours today is refreshing. Thank you.
You doing this makes me think about how I'm not so nice to my husband sometimes. I really want to change that. Thank you!
That sounds like great advice! Now, I've never had a husband, but I do know how great it is to feel loved and appreciated and special.
Happy HoT!! :)
Hugs and thank you Andree - I am sorry for the loss of your husband. I thought of a few of my readers who I know have their lost precious partners -even my Mum losing my Dad.
I hoped I didn't upset anyone by doing this.
Tammy - you and me both - I know I have treated my husband so badly sometimes.I know it is time to make a change.
Frigga - I am glad you do feel loved,appreciated and special. thank you for taking the time to comment.
Enjoy your real life time.
Blogs will always be here - The online moments are recorded and will last forever. Cherishing your real life moments is an amazing gift to give one another, these moments live within our hearts. That is so much kewler than on a screen.
Great post on HoT today :D
Will you visit mine Thanks
ROFL. I can't- I've just bagged him out on my blog!!
It's a really nice thought though, and good on you.
I really admire you taking up that 30 day challenge. I went to take a look at what its about and I was too chicken to start it :(. Still, I will try to do a smaller version of it since I know I've been taking my husband for granted.
Fantastic challenge you have taken on. A pertinent reminder to me to apprcieate what I have in my dear husband.
Tips for the challenge? Well I am doing a bit of change myself as I had been working into the wee hours of the morning way too many times. I am trying to do the following: stick to my curfew (11pm), don't have the computer running all day, only work on the computer when kids asleep or DH around, prioriteise and set a time limit for each activity I do online before I start. I am only into day 4 and going well so far. If I stick to this I might actually achieve my monthly goal this time!
Awesome post...I enjoyed reading it.
Oh Linda.. I could write a whole other post based on what you've said here.. but I'll try to keep my thoughts and comment short.
Me and hubby have gotten into some really big fights in the 2+ years we've been married.. mostly due to my lack of understanding what HE needs from me.. which is really quite simple. He needs to know and feel the same things he makes sure I know and feel every single day. I've gotten a lot better at this in recent months.
As for the internet. I think I still have a letter my daughter wrote to me almost ten years ago.. back when she still lived at home with me. In it she said that she missed me. Not that I had gone away anywhere physically. Oh no.. not that. It was that I had found the internet and was spending all my time there instead of with her and the rest of my family.
I spend part of my online life now playing at Pogo Games. I am constantly disheartened by mothers who will announce to people in chat that their "brats" need lunch.. or their kids are being naughty. I want to scream out to them to just turn the computer off and go spend some time with them.
Oh, if only I could turn back the clock.
Great song! I remember it well.
So true Alison - hugs !
Tracey - well now you can say something nice tomorrow
POL - I will
Amanda - the smallest things are a step in the right direction and he will make a difference.
PQ - Good on you.That sounds like a great *gasp* challenge my husband would love that one most of all ... next on my list
thanks Shannon
Skittles thanks for this advice and I will honestly take it to heart.
I enjoyed your ‘heartwarming’ tribute to your husband. You seem to have a lovely family. My ‘take’ this week was much more playful at Small Reflections.
Hugs and blessings,
wow! i better ask dear hubby about what he thinks about my blogging!
i wish you and your husband more love and happiness in your marriage and individually!
May you have the best of luck with this new direction.
What a truly wonderful and meaningful post you have written for this week's theme.
Mine is up @ The Cafe if you are interested in popping by.
Lovely post.
Congratulations on making the decision to do this. Sounds like it is working ;-)
thanks Storyteller, Charlotte, Mama bear, Inspiration Alley and Misty - I think I will enjoy it ... well except cutting back my blogging/online time (LOL)
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