Monday 21 April 2008

Revive our hearts...

Does your love life marriage need resuscitation ?

Today or tomorrow , I am starting the 30-Day Husband Encouragement Challenge for Wives I found out about from Melissa@Melissa's Idea Garden

Then she was kind enough to email me the pdf link called Revive our hearts...
We're so glad you've decided to accept the "30-Day Encouragement Challenge" to encourage your husband! Your decision means that you truly want to be a blessing in your home. This challenge will also result in spiritual growth in your own life.
It is really not about s e x but making the one you love feel appreciated and encouraged.

I digress to say last week I remember reading this quote ...on this post by Jen @Amazing Trips.Brilliant she is...
Little kids lead to little sex.
And sometimes, a little sex can lead to (more) little kids. (not anymore for me)
I will write some more on the challenge later. I hope I can see the challenge through.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

Interesting challenge. I may have a go at that myself. Ta.

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