So I am still playing the grateful game and combining it with my ‘52 Blessings’ photo for the week. I am still trying to come up with a catchy title for all that… if I do I might just start me a Mr Linky do-hickey so that you can all join meso I am putting my hand up tonight - and joining in. I am grateful for our medical care in Australia (though sadly sometimes they get it wrong) and NICU's and Special Care Nurseries that see our premmies through from tumultuous births to triumphant homecomings.
My twins S & J were delivered @ 35wks and 4 days , a month early.They did very well. They were our miracles after many years infertility and born 22 months after their sister died in utero. Words cannot describe the emotions I felt holding them for the first time , knowing these exquisite little boys were created by my husband and I and they were all ours to keep.
1 & 2 minutes old

On a very sad note ... I feel heartbroken about a lot of little lives lost ... Sweet Zoe born @ 24wks gestation and she fought bravely for 3 weeks , a twin to Lennox, who only got to share 2 days with his family.
I cannot imagine the grief of these parents and a few others I have read about recently.The story of Patrice losing both of her premature twins first Cole and then Lina makes me so grateful for my own twins and reminds me of my angel baby C. I feel their pain but it is unimaginable.
This family needs prayers too for their little girl to stay long enough in the womb and live , her twin has passed away. It 's very precarious for mum and bub right now.
Little lives lost not little losses ...It doesn't matter how long our babies lived for .We had the same hopes and dreams as anyone did - it isn't just about the time we had them but more all the times we will never know and that we never got to tell them how much we loved them or to hold and hug them enough. I am so grateful for my blessings, my precious children, all four !.
I hold these families in my thoughts and prayers ... by the grace of God I am blessed.
Thanks for visiting me. Your boys are gorgeous. Thanks for this post. It is always good to be reminded of all that we have to be grateful for.
My last child was born at 36w3days. He was perfectly healthy, but I know of so many who were not.
What a wonderful post and what a perfect thing to be grateful for!
Our girls were born at 29 weeks due to severe twin to twin transfusion syndrome... every day I look at them and can not believe we are so lucky to have them both here with us happy and healthy when I know so many others who do not.
Thanks for joining in - I am going to like to your post in mine this week and try to get my act together for a Mr Linky for next week
A beautiful post. I'm not always as noble as I would like to be, but sometimes, in the midst of chaos with my two boys, I remind myself how blessed I am to have them. They may be little terrors at times but they are also the most beautiful of treasures. I know that my husband and I have been blessed in a way that so many others aren't. God Bless all our little angels :)
I had to stop and comment here. What a lovely post. Your twins are beautiful :) Your pictures reminded me so much of work as I've was an NICU nurse for 7 years.... Being in that environment really does make you realize how much of a miracle and blessing each and every child really is :) Thanks so much for sharing your story and pics :)
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