I really appreciate all your encouragement ladies - I still have light cramping on/off ....
a line
pink - don't want to say it myself
lines -in fact
but it is very early days - and I am so anxious .Yes it was @ 5.20am but I have barely slept since 2am waiting and waiting - OM Gosh - yes thanks God !
Going to try and ring my clinic at 6.30am to have an early beta*[*Beta is IVF speak for a blood test to check the HCG level which indicates pregnancy]
I woke DH to show him - but you are among the first
then this ...
I am back from having my beta - emailed them , rang and left a message at 6.30am then rang at 7.30am and receptionist asked nurse and she said come if you want.
Saw the blood lady and then the other nurse who came to check out why I didn't have a form (blood group form - which I know anyway so didn't need ) said "umm - when was beta for ?" - Monday [20 days after OPU - egg pickup]
" might be a bit early "
but 2 positive HPT [home pregnnacy test]with 2 different brands can't be wrong.
finally this @3.13pm
My beta results 448[Big fat positive =pregnant]
I never thought I would be posting this
Even right now I can remember at the time wondering if it was too good to be true. I also suspected and the general consensus was there was perhaps 'two' not just one baby because the HCG level was higher than average 448 - when normally the clinic likes to see 100 and my beta was a day early.(the nurse told me off for this too)
Now as watch my little boys playing , laughing , alternatively grizzling at me or growling at each other my heart wants to explode with joy.
I am so,so thankful.
Ps ... right now the phone rang it was DH saying he was ready for me to order Pizza. I left the gate to their play pen area open in my haste to answer the phone.
In the fews minutes it took me to order takeaway Pizza on the phone, J stole my camera (I had snapped a few pictures of them ) - I put the pizza girl on hold... , then they trashed my clothes drying rack (nappies actually) and nicked all the pegs off .Then, when I resumed my posting they got into the bathroom started to unroll the toilet paper and threw the pegs they stole into the bathtub. LOL . Chaos reigns and I love it. Most of the time !
Twelve months ago ...

The difference a year makes

What a feel good post! I know the feeling, after suffering 2 ectopic pregnancies, when I got my positive pregnancy test results and had a scan to confirm that all was as it should be (when I was pregnant with Paula), I was so excited I could barely tell my DH the news!
I have tagged you over on my blog :-)
Look at them! They look like trouble makers! (in a good way of course)
Congrats on the two year mark. Mine will be Xmas eve LOL.
Amy has that butterfly rug. She still likes to lift the mirror and look at herself.
I remember that post well.
Hugs to you my dear friend as you wander down memory lane.
thanks Gill, Veronica & Tiff.
Yes ... I will always remember this day.
Hugs and Congratulations!
How wonderful!
Great post Trish and yes I remember that day well too. What is most amazing is the photo of the two boys last year and the one of them this year. They are real little boys now (with all that entails). Sounds like they would get along well with my Noddy! You can see the difference between them now too very clearly but I'll bet you still get asked if they are identical!
What cute little boys!!
So beautiful! And I love bald babies....mine were both baldies too...
Ohhh, that bought a tear to my eye.
What a beautiful reflection.
Wonderful post!!! Hey, was that Just Mommies?
They are SO cute! Im sure all the chaos is SO worth it. :)
thanks Dallas, Jenty & Megan for your kind comments.
Mel - how it is going (?) are more news
Badness Jones - yes I love baldies (daddy's hair is getting less) and they are getting more hair by the day (... my mum said I was bald till nearly three)
Thanks for sharing! I am "new" to your blog and it's such a joy to read your good news/big mess story!
I never had two at a time and I know the trouble one gets into so I can only imagine...
What fun!
fascinating to see how you 'broke' the news'.
My mind wonders sometimes to how I would tell people, but then I get terrified thinking I'm tempting fate so I have to force myself to think about something else.
What an Idiot...
Very handsome boys btw, congrats.
Oh, they are such DARLINGS!
look at those faces!! i love it!
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