I'd though about re-purposing an old sink or bathtub into a herb garden but life was busy.
Then last week as I was driving home from town I spotted an old Weber BBQ someone had placed out for council collection.
I coveted it and encouraged hubby to go and collect it (amongst a few other things at other stops).
It was in very good condition and clean.
I wonder how much use it had as iconic Australian BBQ experience !
Then he had a brilliant idea...Fill the Weber with soil and plant some of my favorite herbs to keep next to our barbecue...especially to grow some rosemary to season his lamb roast -
I googled for ideas - thanks to Life on the Balcony
This was a really easy project that you can complete in less than 30 minutes (including shopping time). Here is what you’ll need to get started :
- 1 bag (or 2) of good quality herb potting soil (we needed 1 medium [and 2 small] ...luckily we had spare bags lying unopened in the shed because I didn't calculate for the depth)
- 5-6 herb plants, depending on the size of the BBQ and how full you like your garden.
- 1 re-purposed portable round BBQ.
- coffee filters (or I used ag pipe sock filter).
I also planted Mint in an old teapot (I think we found on the property and I like rustic things).
First clean your BBQ (or not) then place the ag /coffee filter over of the holes in the bottom of the BBQ . We also turned the grate thingy to make holes smaller.
The filter allows water to drain out but prevents the soil from falling through.
Fill your BBQ with soil , pinch out the seedlings or plants and pot them, as evenly or randomly as you please. I tamped down the potting soil gently around the plants , watered them in and was good to go...surf the internet for recipes.

Rosemary: Pair with lamb, chicken, and roast potatoes or in bread.
Oregano : Matches well with: beans, chicken, eggplant, fish, lamb, mushrooms, pasta, pizza, pork, potatoes, tomatoes, veal, zucchini
Parsley: with mashed potatoes, pastas, salads, meatballs and as a garnish
Thyme: Try it with soups, chowders, marinades and meat dishes.
Corainder: Match as coriander pesto, carrot and coriander soup, chutney and chicken or in Thai soups.
Two I forgot ...
Basil: with salads, as pizza toppings, tomatoes, chicken dishes, spaghetti bolognaise or pesto.
Chives: in dips, atop baked and mashed potatoes, as a soup /salad garnish.
I just can't believe I forgot the Basil. I picked up a six cell herb pack and I didn't even think to look for Basil my favourite herb.
Grape tomatoes were planted in the middle ...just because.
Mint: mmm with peas, pies , mashed potatoes, mint jelly for roast lamb or cutlets ... Mint tea anyone.
Herbs need on average 6+ hours of sunlight a day, regular watering (depending on the pot) and with well drained soil.
If you are placing it on a deck (like I will eventually) you may need a drip tray to catch any excess water .
Now, I'm on the lookout for another herb garden container and then I'll start to experiment with other herb and flavour combinations.
In other news - What's on my mind ?
It has been eight years, today, since my Dad left us and 4 weeks since my hub said a final goodbye to his Dad too.
Today, I am thinking Happy memories of our very special fathers who shaped our lives.
We are getting ready to plant trees in their memory ~ Father's Day Sunday and also 9yrs since we lost our tiny angel ~Charlotte~ . It's a big week .
By the way - it is Recycling or Up-cycling ?
What is the difference?