Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Countrylink Royal Easter Show & amaysim mobile deals iPad mini {giveaway}

Countrylink Promotion and amaysim data & iPad mini Giveaway
Kids go a long way for a dollar.

Remember our Countrylink Dinosaurs in the Wild adventure well we are off again - RAWR ! ...no Moo-moo, Quack -Quack ...  with 14,000 animals on display. (That's a lot of .... !)

Thanks to Countrylink we are off to the Sydney Royal Easter show, which is celebrating 190yrs this year. WOW ! We leave tomorrow afternoon and the Show opens Thursday (21st March- April 3rd).

Countrylink has an exclusive offer - Buy 1 entry ticket to the Sydney Royal Easter Show and receive 1 ticket of the same type FREE when you purchase a return CountryLink train or coach ticket to Sydney. They have some great accommodation deals in Sydney to make it more affordable too.

The offers are only available for Sydney Royal Easter Show tickets purchased through a CountryLink sales outlet traveling to Sydney between 20 March and 4 April 2013.

The Sydney Royal Easter Show brings  the  smells of  country to the city every year to celebrate the best Australia has to offer, hours of family fun, carnival rides, free entertainment , carnival rides and showbags ! Something for everyone. Perfect to distract me from worrying about other things.

2012 -Milkshake making classes, Ashton's circus, Equine Entertainment and Circus school.

I am looking forward to the Arts and crafts, woodchop, fireworks and live entertainment. The boys love the animal nursery and showbags on display. Hubby is keen to check out the cows and rodeo !

CountryLink offers a great value kids' fare - what can you buy for one dollar ? up to four children from the one household can travel to any of more than 365 destinations on the CountryLink network for just one dollar each  (each way)! [Unfortunately under12's must be accompanied by adults :) so you can't just pack the kids off as tempting as it sounds]

The journey is half the fun and $1 kids' fare will help make your family holiday, short break or visit to friends or relatives that little bit more affordable. As well you can take time on the way to notice the countryside you are passing through, play endless games of snap, colour-in or read and EAT ...plenty of food available on board too. They have chocolate hot meals to order. You can book sleeping accommodation on some trips.

I recommend charging up all your idevices and electronic games too (no charging facilities on the train). My boys loved the excitement and freedom of the train.The time passed quickly and we had very few "ARE we there YET ?"

For more information and to book, call 13 28 29 or visit your nearest CountryLink Travel Centre.

I'm so glad I have my iPad2 when traveling. It kept the boys entertained while traveling and when we stayed in Sydney I still had access to internet. I cannot cope without my iPad and internet. Sad , but true. My iPad mobile broadband worked in a few locations luckily !

In a completely unrelated promotion I am so excited to be giving away an iPad Mini thanks to amaysim.

amaysim is Australia’s low cost mobile service provider with multiple award winning mobile deals.[Money magazine‘s best of the best awards 2012 and 2013].

- amaysim UNLIMITED mobile plan won gold, as did amaysim AS YOU GO. For everyone in-between, they have got amaysim FLEXI. So whether you‘re always on the phone, or just an occasional user like me, they have you covered.

- Say goodbye to lock-in contract forever with amaysim MOBILE BROADBAND data packs– perfect for those who need mobile broadband on the go ...anywhere you 97% of Australia is covered (Optus network)

- If you need mobile broadband for your i devices , tablet, smartphone, or SIM compatible laptop just add a great-value amaysim Data Pack ...from $9.90 for 1GB and up to $99.90 for 10GB’s. When I next re-charge - I'm switching to amaysim - I paid nearly twice that much for my current iPad mobile broadband data pack.

-You can forget paying sneaky costs like flagfall within Australia or payout fees and even unlocking costs. 

- amaysim have an Australian customer service centre too -lots of great reasons to switch!

 Visit: www.amaysim.com.au

This amazing giveaway they have offered for my readers ...

amaysim MOBILE BROADBAND 10GB data pack all in Oz, 365 expiry. r.r.p $99.90
Apple iPad Mini, 16GB with Wi-Fi and Cellular. r.r.p. $509.00

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Please use Rafflecopter to enter - then leave a comment below - In 50 words or less what is your best traveling tip or where you would travel with an iPad mini and why ? [at nearly half the size of the regular iPad it still packs a punch and you can take it anywhere . Perfect to keep the kids (or yourself) entertained these holidays and especially on a train trip!]

1. Only Australian Residents are eligible to enter.
2. Entries not answering the question will be deemed invalid. The winner will be chosen by originality and creative merit, not by chance. Judges decisions are final and no correspondence will be entered into.
3.There is one prize iPad mini Apple iPad Mini, 16GB with Wi-Fi and Cellular. r.r.p. $509.00 plus amaysim Mobile Broadband 10GB data pack all in Oz, 365 expiry. r.r.p $99.90
4. Entries - Open 19/3/2013 - Close 11.59pm  8/4/2013 AEST. The winner will be notified by email, and posted to mylittledrummerboys.blogspot.com.au - the winners have 7 days to respond or a new winner will be drawn.
5. Prizes are not transferable, changeable or redeemable for cash.
6. Prizes sent out by PR firm directly will not be replaced in the event that they are stolen, lost or damaged in transit.
7. Subscribe to my blog  to receive MLDB updates.
8. Follow via Facebook or Bloglovin on the sidebar >>>>

Disclaimer : Countrylink have offered me 3days3nights package with accommodation & breakfast only and Easter Show entry . No monetary compensation was provided nor offered. All opinions are my own.

The amaysim MOBILE BROADBAND 10GB data pack all in Oz, 365days expiry. r.r.p $99.90
Apple iPad Mini, 16GB with Wi-Fi and Cellular. r.r.p. $509.00 giveaway is not related in any way to the Countrylink promotion.
amaysim is not sponsored , it is purely a giveaway for my readers - no monetary compensation was provided nor offered and I did not receive a iPad mini .

PS - I totally recommend CountryLink's three-day, two-night packages starting from only $404 per person twin share to Taronga Western Plains Zoo. Packages include return rail and accommodation and entry.I wasn't asked to mention this but I love our local zoo.


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As you pack your suitcase, run through your daily routine in your head so you don't forget anything. Familiar books for night time stories, night lights, water bottle for bed, snuggy blanky - make sure you don't forget that ONE item that could lead to a bedtime meltdown in unfamiliar territory.
I would definately recommend wet wipes or baby wipes as some people say. If you are hot and travelling ANYWHERE, like for a daytrip on a train to a long haul flight, just wipe some over your face and arms for an instant refesh! This works for kids and adults alike!
My recent post LAMINGTON BALLS
start up a 'to do list' a few weeks before you are heading off, every time you think of something write it down, you are less likely to forget something like you usually do if you leave it all to the last minute!
Kylie Embury's avatar

Kylie Embury · 626 weeks ago

i would love to visit my step-daughters in New Zealand - one hasn't met her brother CJ yet (he's 21 months). With the ipad i could amuse CJ on the flights (OK, so maybe i'd need the tween and teen to help me with that ;)
Rachel Kriss-Newell's avatar

Rachel Kriss-Newell · 626 weeks ago

Rarely travelling long distances
With three munchkins full of mischief
Family, a five hour drive away
Listening to arguments, my enthusiasm gives way.

An iPad would make a trip less stressful
Hours in the car much more successful
Occupied with games, music, distraction
The kids much happier, accord and satisfaction.
An iPad mini, Ho ho ho
To Melbourne for Xmas in the car we’d go
Chilled drinks and snacks is what we’d pack
For the way there and coming back.
Wiggles and Peppa for their viewing at leisure,
would make the journey a quite a pleasure.
Steph Veljanovska's avatar

Steph Veljanovska · 626 weeks ago

Be Prepared the Night Before you Leave and Tick off things to do as you Go. That way Nothing is Forgotten and You don't have Any Stress of Leaving something Important Behind.
Michelle Gray's avatar

Michelle Gray · 626 weeks ago

When travelling with kids,
it can be challenging I must admit,
make sure you pack the games,
keeping them entertained will keep you sane!!!
How exciting going to the show!

My best travelling tip would have to be pack lots of drinks and snacks as well as entertainment. I actually think this is the best thing about Pads, keep them occupied and happy on long journeys.
My number one travel tip is pack a portable potty.
Children often get the call of nature in the most inconvenient places (usually between towns), being able to pull over and allow them to do their business on the potty saves time and trouble! :)
Charmaine Campbell's avatar

Charmaine Campbell · 626 weeks ago

I will buy the iPad mini a special case of it's own and carry it everywhere with me, like it is my own special baby! I know parents shouldn't have favourites, but this would be mine!
Take lots to keep all amused
I-things,craft,books and more
Try to sneak in a little snooze
And yummy treats galore
My recent post Blogger Profile: Poet and Author Kellie Elmore
Catrina Murray's avatar

Catrina Murray · 626 weeks ago

I’d take it on a long haul flight to ensure I have enough entertainment for the whole time I am stuck in the sky! Another good use would be to give it to a teenager/student to assist them with their studies – it would be an invaluable tool for their schooling.
With my first overseas holiday coming up it would be a great help allowing us to keep all our details handy, scanned copies of our documents just incase as well as a way to Skype with our four children who won't be with us.
Alison Wilson's avatar

Alison Wilson · 626 weeks ago

Always prepare food, no matter how short your trip! Separate larger packets of food (eg poporn, chips, sultanas etc) into little snap-lock bags so you can easily hand them out when needed.
Mary Preston's avatar

Mary Preston · 626 weeks ago

Best travelling tip: always carry water and snacks. Helps pass the time for those inevitable delays and 'boring' bits, & from experience, saves you a fortune.
My travel tip IS actually an ipad/iphone. It means we can take both her favourite ABC for kids shows, as well as photos, and learning activities. Also, I find a snack box with easy to access and eat food is a definite win. And as Indi is only 2, we also always take her blanket from her bed :) If we are going on a plane, I take a couple of new books and toys too (I tend to over pack lol)
My recent post Wordless Wednesday - Art imitating life
I am taking my husband to Singapore to the Grand Prix. At 6ft7 he find flying difficult, as he is often squashed. I an I Pad mini would definitely distract him during the long flight.
My recent post Five For Friday – Fun Stuff
Travelling around Australia with an Ipad mini would make life easy, a motel booking device, internet acesser, camera, stero, games machine and movie watching device in a tiny I package, pretty damm cool!!!
My top 3 travelling tips for travelling with young children:
1) Lots of snacks & drinks to keep their little tummies full
2) Lots of activities to keep them occupied
3) A sense of humor
i would travel everywhere with my ipad mini i can use it for study and music and notes take my pics to show my friends appointments on my for ever holiday im taking in September it can keep me informed and i wont miss a thing i can use the entertainment on my long trip no more books i can put it in my ipad and take as many books as my heart desires the kids have games and music and the little ones will have apps to keep them happy i can even take my cooking magazines with me its just the thing we need as its our first trip with kids or as a family on holiday oh i cant wait for the fun and its got maps and gps now we cant get lost :)
Michelle Vamvas's avatar

Michelle Vamvas · 625 weeks ago

Hubby's got it in his head
To take us camping (I say that with dread!)
This Ipad Mini would ease my alarm
As hubby turns on his outback charm!
I could look up recipes on how to make damper
That'd make me a happy camper!!
Angie Boylan 's avatar

Angie Boylan · 625 weeks ago

Pack some healthy treats - a hungry child is very irritable which makes travel not enjoyable!

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