Friday, 25 January 2013

How Aussie are you ?

How Aussie are you ?

(compiled by Dee from Downunder)

1. Been dive bombed by a magpie on many occasions as a teenager ! 
2. Have seen a crocodile in real life in Northern territory on a tour and in the Australian Zoo & Sydney Wildlife  

Wildlife Sydney

3. Have seen a snake in the wild - yes, black snakes, red bellies, and a few dead ones...Joel saw one today EEEKKK 
4. Been bitten by a snake or other aussie wildlife ... a mossie ! 
5. Patted a koala at zoos /Koala Hospital/Featherdale & Wildlife Sydney
6. Seen a kangaroo in the wild - many times, dead and alive ...hundreds on our Farm. 
7. Climbed the Sydney Harbour Bridge - No, but I'm going to VERY SOON ! 
8. Climbed the Story Bridge in Brisbane No 
9. Visited the Sydney Opera House - yes have even been to see Opera there when at school 
10. Swum at the beach yep, but I don't go out far, big drowning phobia because I thought I was drowning once in the surf ! 
11. Had fish and chips on the beach many times - yes I love 'sand'wiches too
12. Been stung by a jellyfish
no, but yes to Blue Bottles. 

13. Had sunburn that peeled many times when younger, never again, I slip slop slap 
14. Camped under the stars yes during Family/church camps - in tents or a camper trailer 
15. Visited Uluru - yes even climbed it in 1992
16. Driven the Great Ocean Road in Victoria not yet but it is on my list
17. Seen the penguins on Phillip Island Victoria no see above (saw them at Featherdale ;).
18. Had an outdoor BBQ with Friends YES 
19. Played backyard/beach Cricket played backyard cricket all the time with my siblings/neighbours as kids and adult rarely 
20. Watched a real cricket match live only when my teenager played for 3 (yrs spring/summer seasons ... exciting ;) 
21. Betted on the Melbourne Cup only in a sweep
22. Attended the Melbourne Cup Live from Flemington no have no desire to
23. Attended a live Aussie Rules or rugby football game
can't remember ? 

24. Ridden a Melbourne Tram yes, when we visited friends in Melbourne . DS19 chucked up in the aisle...he was about 2 1/2 and told us ( and the peak hour packed tram ...) Mummy I am going to 'bomit' loudly - and he did ! Imagine the stiffled giggles & ewwws
25. Snow Skied in the “high country” of NSW/Vic well I tried at My Selwyn ;) 
26. Visited the Great Barrier Reef no, does the Whitsundays Islands count ? 
27. Been to Kakadu - yes in 1992 , it was amazing.
28. Crossed the Nullabour by road - YES in 2011 twice from Start to Finish!

29. Gone down the Murray River on a paddle steamer we went on some paddle steamer ... not sure where but down that way! 
30. Survived a cyclone No 
31. Survived a bushfire No, had ash flaking over the house but luckily have not experienced a real bushfire NO DESIRE to THAT CLOSE. 
32. Experienced a big flood - YES if you count being bogged on the farm for 6 days in DEC 2010 was flooded. 
33. Know who the Wiggles are. Of course! my eldest now 19yrs grew up on them and the twins loved them too ...  
34. Know who Humphrey the Bear is. "What a funny old fellow" - yes I grew up with him kind of and my 19yr loved him too as a toddler. 
35. Watched Play School as a kid or mum of a kid "there's a bear in there"... Yes , see 34 - 
36. Watched Skippy the Bush Kangaroo "whats that skip???" I loved Sonny & Skippy and the dashing pilot . Twins loved the new adventure series we got cheap on DVD.

37. Own an Australia Flag - yes on our power pole out the front door.
38. Know the words to Advance Australia Fair yes, - but don't ask me to sing 
39. Eat Vegemite - on toast absolutely yum yum and my kids live on vegiemite sandwiches - 
On toast

Sprung ...we were away in a caravan when Sam was 3yrs old.

40. Drink Milo double yum yum - love it in milkshakes too and on icecream eat by itself.
41. Know what lamingtons are mmm mmm (coconut/choc covered sponge cake) 
42. Know what Pavlova is mmm mmm with fruit & cream
43. Know what Tim Tams are yes - my favourite choky bic
44.Eaten a meat pie
love any meat pie and sauce in moderation

45. Gave or received a “dead arm” my yes , my bro & sis and uncles were good at it
46. Have owned an Akubra hat yes my hubby has - he surprised me by wearing one on our wedding day , the grooms too. 
47. Own/owned an Australia Cattle dog - yes, though Patch was a heinz version not pure bred - he got to 13 years Now we own a Kelpie.
48. Been to a B& S ball - or know what one is - never been, but heard about them!
49. Drive a ute I have driven one, yes , Hubby has owned a few (6-7 ) and still does - I can't drive a manual (well last time I drove it down the bank/gully) 
50. Say G'day ocassionally ...
51. Can cook damper -yes! but prefer others cook it and smoothered in golden syrup.. mmmm
52. Can make billy tea -
did this more than once camping and 4WD driving,! 

53. Supported a sausage sizzle - couldn't count how many times - hundreds of soccer games/scout/cricket matches/twin club ...
54. Own John Williamson CD/Music -yes, we (DH) has almost a whole collection of his albums
55. Owned backyard chooks or know what chooks are - ON my list when we finish our cabin to build a chook palace else the foxes will be having chicken tonight every night.

56. Call the toilet "the dunny" - yes - many times LOL - I WANT THIS ONE ! 
57.Wear thongs (on your feet...) - yes Purple right now.
58. Support Aussie music - Yes , Hubby is a great Country fan so we do buy Aussie music
59. Enjoy a beer - not really -Hubby makes up for me!
60.Swallowed a fly - have done this more than once - ewww ! 
How Aussie are you ?

A few of my favourite food pins !

bacon & egg cups
a little snacktime ...
Lunch & Dinner ...

Linking up with Cooker and A Looker


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I don't own a flag, but lots of this rings true (except for some reason, I'm the only person in my family who eats Vegemite! Go figure!).
My recent post Ch-ch-changes
1 reply · active 633 weeks ago
Our flag used to be plastic , got that one from some blog thing I think. It just happened to be blowing when I snapped this.
My recent post How Aussie are you ?
"I'm as Australian as Ampol you know?" Do you remember that? Was it an Ampol ad? Does Ampol even still exist? "I'm one of those who paints white on their nose." I don't think it's enough to know what pavlova is, i think you have to be able to MAKE it! ;-)
My recent post “Kool” Kids or “Smarter” Kids?
1 reply · active 633 weeks ago
I have a vague memory Aroha. I am making a PAV this weekend hopefully . My friend sent me her family recipe.
My recent post How Aussie are you ?
Yep, I could definitely tick a few of them off the list. I could also add a few like have a giant huntsman crawl over your dashboard towards you while driving, shorten every word possible, and add 'o' to the end of everything, eg. servo, arvo, etc.
My recent post I Feel Like I'm Missing a Limb
1 reply · active 633 weeks ago
I have had a Huntsman do that , lucky I was right near a servo ;) I pulled in quick to let him out.
My recent post How Aussie are you ?
Oh my that is quite a comprehensive list! Not sure how I would fare, filling that out.

I think I tick some of the more basic boxes in the food options ... =)
1 reply · active 633 weeks ago
Give it a go Melbo - I am craving the layered berry dessert amongst other things.
You are a legend Norlin xox
Goodness me, that is in depth! That's almost a citizenship exam right there!
You know a lot of these are relevant to 'Are you a Kiwi', just take away a few special landmarks and snakes. But then again I grew up on the land and so have done most of these. But my kids are going to be wee Aussies, and so I'd better get them started on a few of these. BTW, how cute is Sam with Milo, that stuff rocks! Emily x
2 replies · active 632 weeks ago
Oh they could EM .
I went to the toilets in caravan park and hubby was sitting outside caravan ...milo monster snuck inside.
Ps did you get my email.
My recent post How Aussie are you ?
Ha ha - so funny - Milo monster. Trish sorry I didn't get your email - Boo ... xxx
My recent post Getting a Sunshine Award has made me McMassively happy – it has also made me reveal some pretty personal shit
Love this, and after only 5 years in Aus I did pretty well! xx
My recent post My Aussie Destiny!
1 reply · active 633 weeks ago
Well done Catherine.

My recent post How Aussie are you ?
I've done lots but then haven't done lots! But I have most definitely been bitten by a mozzie!
My recent post Australia Day 2013
1 reply · active 633 weeks ago
Aussie mossier are definitely ferocious .
My recent post How Aussie are you ?
Well there are certainly a few boxes there I am yet to tick!
My recent post The Un-Ozzie, Ozzie, Ozzie - Oi, Oi, Oi!
Great list, Trish! I remember growing up with Skippy and Humphrey B Bear. Ah, memories!

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