Sunday 20 May 2012

The Hunger Games ~ totally Pinworthy

So it seems totally wrong to post about running and health , after chocolate, but lets run with it anyway.

I find it challenging to run outside, on the road,due to my hearing impairment . I worry about not hearing cars approaching. I mainly stick to the treadmill. I love the treadmill workout programs I found via pinterest.

My right sided peripheral vision is impaired so I have to be careful too - not to run into low tree branches.

As well , the farm has uneven dirt tracks and it's dusty at the moment from a lack of rain .

There is a paved track to the zoo I plan to try in the coming weeks.

Last week I ran 8km in secs under an hr and I'm working up to 9-10km this week. It isn't easy but I know can do it. I've been inspired by Naomi @Seven Cherubs all the way.

The 14km City to Surf ,with Team World Vision, run is August 12th .So far I've raised $275 of my $1000 goal.

Source: via Kirsty on Pinterest

This is my training focus this week - mixing up my treadmill workouts so it feels like I am running outside.

Because it is really about the food

Source: via Trish on Pinterest

Inspiration for the week