Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Wordless Wednesday ~ Worth of water

We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.  ~Thomas Fuller, Gnomologia, 1732

Forgot to take a photo once they got it off .
33,000L in case you are wondering ...the rain didn't make it into the tank .

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Wow Trish! They are massive tanks :)
They would probably be the size of our apartment combined! Was that trailer sinking under their weight? Or is that how it's built?
My recent post Wordless Wednesday – January Snapshot
1 reply · active 684 weeks ago
Woah! Those are big water tanks....It's kind of ironic that it's obviously been raining a lot in those pictures!
My recent post Speech Therapist in Training!
1 reply · active 684 weeks ago
We just moved from having tank water, and having to get used to town water again now! The taste is so noticeable! Although I don't miss losing water when there was black outs with every storm!!!
My recent post Australian Monster Trucks & A Bit of a Mishap!
1 reply · active 684 weeks ago
wow what big tanks :)
1 reply · active 684 weeks ago
They 're some big old tanks Trish!! Should keep you going :)
1 reply · active 684 weeks ago
Now, where would I put those? Should have a bit of space in our back corner - not! They are massive!!!
1 reply · active 684 weeks ago
our water tanks are empty for the first time this season. it's great to have that water. you'll have plenty.
2 replies · active 684 weeks ago
The rain didn't make it into the tank? How did that happen? It's been raining all the time around here, I thought all tanks, lakes and damns would be overflowing by now.
1 reply · active 684 weeks ago
wow,thanks for hosting :)
Oh my they are so big, though I am sure to those who need them they are not nearly enough. Water here is taken for granted esp at this time of year
My recent post Wordless Wednesday - #JanPhotoADay Collage
Wow, Thay are huge! Happy WW =)
Momma T and Baby E
My recent post Wordless Wednesday: Eye Drop #Fail {w/ Linky}
Oh I so know that size of water tank. We just had a 30,000 l tank installed in our place. It sits along side an older concrete one which would probably hold enough water for one of my showeres(ha ha). I hope it rains now so you can fill it.
My recent post Wordless Wednesday 1 February
I'd have a hard time pouring from that pitcher.
My recent post Wordless Wednesday: Men Can Fix Anything
wow - you'll be right once they're full!

My recent post ~ heavenly hydrangeas (wordless) ~
Oh my goodness! Massive!
My recent post Introducing Dash (Wordless Wednesday)
They are Big tanks. Hope they fill up soon.
Has the trailer buckled or is it designed that way to keep the tanks from rolling off? They make our tiny little tanks look ineffectual!
My recent post Wordless Wednesday: Life begins at 40 with breakfast in bed!
Love it when a new tank goes in. We've got two green ones at the house that colour and cream ones up the paddock.
When I first moved out here I loved the dark colours, but Hubby informed me they make the water hot! The things I'd never thought of before!
Hope you get them in place before the next downpour.
My recent post Wordless Wednesday - Fencing with Dad
Wow! Now for the rain to fill them (but not all in one go ahy!)
1 reply · active 684 weeks ago
Are you putting water in or extending the house? You could make another home out of those! :)
We have a concrete tank underground at our home building site and sadly I missed seeing it installed, so I have no idea how big it really looks :(
They look as big as our house!! Thanks for hosting wordless wednesday yet again!!!
xx Sannah
My recent post Wordless Wednesday
1 reply · active 684 weeks ago
Wow! I am having serious "tank envy"
My recent post First Day of School

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