Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Tetris, tears and tissues

So here I am counting down the last mins hour before we collect the twins from school.

Today is their best start assessment , a 4 hr stint during which the teacher will take them aside individually and see where they are at  .The rest of the time is for playing. They were fine once they spied the toys on the mat.

I was by then fine. I had a few leaky tears on the way. I wasn't crying , just a single tear or two sliding over my lids. Getting ready and finding stuff was most stressful. A bit of verbal biffing.

DH & I were very tired , he didn't get home from working in Sydney till 1am . I waited up for him. It was closer to 2am by the time we were in bed. Awake at 7am ...

Yes , this is real - it looks worse in real life !
It is like playing tetris with boxes, furniture, the exercise bike, TOYS and everything every day as we try to find a spot for things. Things come crashing down sometimes. The unpacker did not organise the boxes well so I have been rifling through to find stuff I WANT now !

The lads also like to move things especially my shoes (so I lost them this morning too) and keep finding stuff that isn't lost to hand me 
" Mum, I found this ..."
I put it down ...goodness knows where...when I am next looking and can't remember where and you get the picture $^!#

The kitty- Mia loves hiding from the puppies and kids here !
Sadly, our other cat , mumma ~ Ziggy is missing. I haven't seen her for maybe a week now. Lost ? I hope or found by someone nice *sniff*.

My mission once the boys go to school full time Monday is to really get the box tetris under control and organised since we can't unpack it all ever right now.

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I've been in this house for a couple months now and I still haven't unpacked a whole bunch of things. Fortunately, I have an entire room downstairs that I don't need to use and can fill it with junk.
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Oh my goodness Trish! Start of school and unpacking, your head must be in a whirl.
At least if you don't get to unpack for a while you'll know whether you need to keep or throw what's left in the box when you get to it, because you haven't yet gone in search of it.
Tough time for all, Trish. So sorry about your lost kitty. Once you have some more time up your sleeve with the boys at school, hopefully you'll be able to deal with the boxes.

I can so identify with you. Our previous house was so tiny that I had nowhere to put the stuff in the boxes and it took me months to sort through them all, figure out what to store in the garage and what I could actually have in the house...

You'll get there....
What a big day for all of you!! can't wait to hear how their first day went. I am not looking forward to the first day at school, and yet it isn't their first day ever, we haven't just moved, and we haven't lost our cat - still isn't easy, so I can't imagine how you are feeling. Big hugs, and hope it all smooths out soon for you!
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We are in the final throws of unpacking... at last it is starting to be done. Along with the unpacking have been several trips to town to find appropriate storage things... boxes, baskets, shelves. Good luck!
Aww hope your cat returns or ends up with someone nice too!!! My hubby has a cat at his old place.. cute fat cat. Pretty old I think 17 years?
My recent post Letter to my girl #4
Wow! I remember THAT tetris formation once at my place, when we first moved in. You'll get there Trish. And maybe your cat got lost after moving to a new place but I've heard stories of cats coming back, after they get their bearings? Hope it's true in your case. xx
Hang in there love, slow and steady, bet the twins had an awesome day :) Sorry about your cat...funny things, mine got so use to moving.... some old lady if probably over feeding and lovin him sick!!
Oh I hope Ziggy comes home soon :(
Such an exciting time for the boys! They look gorgeous in their little uniforms. I hope the boxes learn to unpack themselves really soon for you x
Your boys look happy to be starting their school adventure!!.....When we moved, we found our cat back at the old house, but it was just a suburb away!
Good luck with those boxes! The boys look gorgeous - hope the rest of their day went as wonderfully as the morning! Certainly will be easier to sort/unpack without little helpers :)
Oh Trish I don't know where to start? Living in chaos is never easy but especially when the cat is missing, your shoes are AWOL and the little people stop being so little!

I think you should go have a cup of tea and put the sugar back in it. You deserve it!
Wow, sounds as chaotic there as it is here! Hope your cat finds it's way home :( Ours has had a few escapes out the door here, so we're trying to be super careful now :( We're still surrounded by boxes too, it's draining me so much! It's so hard to keep on top of every day work and life let alone finding time to organise and unpack, aaarrrgggghhhh. But never mind, the boys do look very happy.... Oh and we are heading your way in a few days, shall get in touch to try and catch up :)
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It takes so long to get through this bit - it's a nightmare - and starting school on top of it all isn't easy. Hope the assessments went well. William is doing his next week.

I'm not feeling sad at the moment, however who knows what will happen to me on the day? 13/01 is his first day of real school.
Sorry, I mean 13/02.
Tetris; that's quite a creative description! Sorry about Ziggy. We lost a cat after a move years ago. Her sister from the same litter stayed. We called them Tina and Tike. Tina left.
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What a week for you, Trish! The boys look so cute in their uniforms. And I remember that tetris thing too. I never want to move again! I hope your kitty comes back x
Oh Trish, you have a lot on you're plate at the moment.
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Oh I hope that Ziggy turns up soon! What a big week for your family! xo

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