- I stopped joining in the tagging memes a few years ago because everyone was doing them. A new round has commenced and I thought I’d have a little fun. I just can’t over share any more deep stuff so this is probably a little mundane, crazy and cheating.
- Just saying I like bargains and free camping even though I love some caravan parks and their facilities I hate parting with $$ for a few hours overnight when we don't use anything ! .
- I met my hubby on a blind date, through radio match making. I know that makes me sound so old.I prayed all the while he wasn’t some crazy ‘axe murdering’ dude as I got into his car after dinner ( I drove to the restaurant) so we go could see a movie ( I can’t remember what movie ). I had not told a soul as it was top secret. Our first date was 23yrs ago on 15th October - so I had to slip this in.
- I was so naive at 18 – just saying totally innocent. It took me asking a few people , a few times, what a certain word meant for me to get it. I am still naive.
- I secretly covet a butterfly tattoo but I will never get one (unless it is a kid's temporary one)
- I am racked by guilt over things that happened years ago. No rattling skeletons or anything bad just the sweating small stuff.
- I am sad I can't jump on the jumping cushion - for long.If you have seen Motherhood the Musical you will know why !
- I know numbers don’t really matter , it is just a blog or fan page; engagement and connection is far more important but I’d still LIKE to see them rising.
- I would be bereft without social media and the friends in my computer...or am I just imagining it ??? It matters to me that I think I matter. Though honestly if I stopped tomorrow would anybody notice ? I am sad some have stopped noticing already. But I always remember this
- I haven’t forgotten about this lovely giveaway I just was waiting till a few others finished (good excuse hey). I love being sent items to review and giveaway especially if they are unique and interesting.
Sometimes things don’t go as planned for whatever reason. A recorded story book trumps not reading to your children at all. My children will not let me get away without reading time before bed even if it is late or they are completely frazzled (like last night)...
I taped my hubby reading Lightening McQueen - Cars. It meant while my hubby was away in Sydney .They could hear his voice at bedtime since their bedtime is 3hrs later than Daddy’s in Sydney. (WA bloggers / twitters' have it tough making connections).
You could also get a Grandparent or favourite aunt or anyone who lives too distantly for regular contact to record a story. Imagine the delight as they turn the pages and hear a familiar loved one's voice.
A special concept for a childhood keepsake. What is unique about Hallmark - is that Hallmark Recordable Storybooks are designed to record one page at a time - not the whole story in one long hit.Then they play page by page. Kids don't have to keep up or lose their place, they can stay longer on each page, flip back and forth.
Currently there are a choice of 11 titles – I think it would be a perfect gift for any preschool or early primary child.
To win your own Hallmark recordable book - check the website www.hallmarkcards.com.au (or visit a Hallmark retailer) - come back and tellme in comments what title you would choose for a special cherub in your life. Easy ! (Titles are still subject to availability so you may not get your exact choice)
More boring bits.
Australian address only.
Closes 29th October 2011.
Extra entries if you want to tweet or share on FB, leave an extra comment.
{PS I am not tagging anyone and I have to check those who tagged me 2-3 people}
Disclaimer - I am posting this at 12.34am WA time (3.34am Sydney time) so I apologise for any grammatical errors *slap me*