November is Prematurity Awareness month and this week is National Premmie Week...
Today I pause to remember and thank the teams of Dr's & neonatal nurses who brought my babies safely into this world and who everyday bring hundreds of babies through their prematurity and safely home.
My little boys are the miracles that make my life complete.
Oh baby, baby, made their grand entrance into this wonderful world exactly a month early at just over 35 weeks. You can read their story here.
The reason for their premature birth is because I had Obstetic cholestasis ...the long & short of it is intense itchiness and increased risk of still birth.
I didn't have to be asked 'twice' if I wanted to see my boys early when I was diagnosed late at night on 30th June 2006. The babies were ok but I didn't sleep a wink worried ...
They had to organise two neonatal teams for twins and it was Friday around @ 11pm . The Dr's said Saturday morning would do for my emergency c-section.
So we held our breath and waited.
Then they had other more emergency ones that morning.
Twelve hours later at 12.51pm & 12.52 pm on July 1st our family had grown by 4 feet ...
Twenty fingers, twenty toes,They were strong and perfect @ 2.8kg & 2.1kg . Fortunately apart from needing oxygen & suctioning at birth, and nasogastric tubes for feeding they were well premmies. They spent 4 days in NICU. Not really long as far as some premmies go.
two sweet babies with cheeks of rose.
Born on the same day, two gifts from above,
lives entwined, two babies to love.
- Unknown

Then they were transferred to the special care nursery of our local hospital for 2 more weeks. I thought I'd never get to take them home due to feeding issues. We did @ 19 days.

In Australia over 21,000 babies are admitted to Neonatal nurseries each year; more than 6000 require neonatal intensive care. Some babies journey's in NICU & SCN last days, some last months. Some don't come home at all.
I also remember the precious angels of some special friends who said goodbye too soon to their premature babies I met many when I lost Charlotte @26wks to still birth...not premmie because she didn't take a breath.
Beautiful!! I was lucky to go full term with my twins (in the middle of our 4 children) & they are now 9, still very close & often snuggle up in the same bed. Super sweet, best thing ever!! Love Posie
I love the comparison picture...that's just so sweet.
Our girls were born at 34.5 weeks, and I know how incredibly blessed we were to have them in the NICU for only 10 days. Reading a lot of the Prematurity Awareness posts over the past couple of days has been a great reminder to continue to be thankful.
wow, this makes me feel quite teary...
My little guy was born at exactly 35 weeks by EC due to me having Placenta Previa (i spent the last 7 weeks of the pregnancy in and out of hospital)
It was a scary time but thankfully, my baby was born much like your boys....We had him home within 2 weeks, after also transferring to the Special Care nursery at our local hospital and brought him home on Christmas Eve! A wonderful christmas present - and he is about to turn 1! Time flies!
Thanks for sharing and yes, you are so right, the doctors and midwives and all the people who contribute to helping these families and babies are AMAZING!
Gill xo
On behalf of the March of Dimes, thank you so much for sharing you story and being part of the Fight for Preemies. You have handsome little men, I am glad they are doing so well.
I loved reading your story and seeing these great pictures. Thanks so much for participating in Bloggers Unite: Fight for Preemies. It's such an important cause. Our twins were born at 24 weeks and spent five months on the NICU. I'm am sharing the journal I kept during that long hospital stay on Mike&Ollie: 24-weekers Who Beat the Odds. My tiny babies are now happy, healthy young adults and we are so grateful to everyone who helped them get here.
What a wonderful story, and gorgeous pics of your boys. Am so glad that you received your miracle and I'm sure that your story will give hope to others in a similar situation.
What a blessing you have and times two! The wonders that the medical doctors and nurses to is beyond thinking sometimes. When the mom and dad were having children those boen this early would not have made it. Thanks to the dedication of others new many sweet babies are allowed to continue with their life journey. Wonderful story and so happy that all worked out.
Ah bless, so happy for your happy ending x2! Just found you via the weekend rewind at life in pink fibro, now following :)
A similar story here though not so early. 3YO was induced at 38 weeks after a frightening case of high blood pressure that caused my kidneys and liver to almost shut down. Feeding tube, jaundice, feeding issues and extended stay in hospital would have been unbearable without the amazing midwives. Now he is well and hearty and made me pretend cupcakes this morning with a booga on top. Excellent...
Lovely post. So glad you had a happy ending.
Thanks for Rewinding at the Fibro.
That's a lovely story and such a great cause. I was so lucky that my twins didn't have to f=go to NICU- I knew we were lucky then and still know it now. Thanks for sharing. Visiting from the Fibro.
Stopping by from Rewind.
What a beautiful post!
Bless those gorgeous twin boys of yours. Strong from the beginning. Rewinding at the Fibro x
What a wonderful story. I'm so glad you all had your happy ending and I'm very sorry for little Charlotte and all the other parents and babies who didn't get theirs.
such special little boys! What a wonderful post Trish - always good to remember how fortunate we are to have these little people in our lives - they are truely little miracles.
Snowbear was born by c-section at 37 weeks (I had appedicitis) but luckily she was 8lb9.5 and only spent 1 night in NICU and fed voraciously from the get go.
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