Thursday, 29 April 2010

#Gratitude List

Thankful Thursday...
  1. Breathing a sigh of relief that the first bridge is crossed.
  2. DH's surgery went well though it was a bit trickier than the Surgeon expected. The side effects aren't as bad as they could have been.
  3. Surgeon was confident he got all the tumour and he personally came to see me at 9.45pm to explain everything. Awesome.
  4. Hubby was in good spirits when he came back to the ward.
  5. My SIL came to wait with me. She is amazing & generous.
  6. My Mum minding the boys at our home last night & today.I ♥ my Mum. She is super.
  7. Almost all green traffic lights when I left hospital to come home. Incredible. There must be over 20 sets.
  8. Prayers of many family & friends.
  9. Supportive tweets & facebook comments ...did I tell you how much I ♥ you guys.
  10. Hubby should be home tomorrow after the drain comes out.
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Marilyn Rodrigues said...

Fantastic news!

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

So glad things went well.

SquiggleMum said...

Praise God. That is a list to be thankful for.

Brenda said...

Sending you more love and positive healthy vibes, Trish.XO

MissyBoo said...

Fantastic news that DH's surgery went well. Will keep sending lots of positive and healthy vibes xoxox

Jayne said...

Thank goodness, Trish, thinking of you all and sending best wishes and healing vibes to your hubby xxxx

k@lakly said...

YAY!!! So glad things went well. Continued thoughts of health and injury free days ahead of you and the family:)

Unknown said...

That is fantastic news. Sending healing thoughts your way for a speedy recovery and more good news.

katef said...

Have been thinking of you all.. so glad to hear that things went well.

tiff(threeringcircus) said...

Hope things cntinue to get better for you. Thinking of you always.

PlanningQueen said...

So glad to hear that things went well. Hope that things continue to do so for you and the family.

Unknown said...

Glad it went well... hope it's still going well!

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