Sunday 14 March 2010

Too busy to blog

Backlog alert !
Amongst other things I've been Spring cleaning.

Yes in 'Autumn' (or fall for those in USA ).
It's been on my can't be bothered to do list for ages.

  1. I rearranged my Tupperware cupboard (found a huge stash of lollies & chocolate in the meat keeper thingo = SCORE for good Karma & good housekeeping)
  2. Cleaned and rearranged the deep freezer ...unearthed a few frozen fossils. I am so glad I don't have to defrost it.
  3. Tidied all 4 of the cutlery/utensil/junk drawers & vacuumed the crumbs & crud.
  4. Tidied the general plates/bowls/cups/casserole dishes/plastic paraphenalia.Wiped out cupboards and I did it all by myself.
  5. Cooked homemade sausage rolls for lunch using leftover turkey I found in said freezer ...Teen,his GF & small boys ate them all. Shhh -I didn't tell them it was leftover Christmas turkey !
  6. Rode my exercise bike a few times in 20 min stretches.
  7. Went shopping for white wine milk & bread ...though I had to buy the 'icecream' (strawberry, chocolate swirl & vanilla tubs) on special ...half price people so 3 x 2l tubs, 6 mini Magnums, 4 caramel crud Magnums later ~ My freezer now has more icecream than regular dinner food. So ? is there a problem ?
  8. Also used up more leftover chicken to cook Teen,GF & my dinner. Chicken Alfredo, with bacon, mushroom , garlic, peas and parmesan cheese (seriously 12 mins tops using the Alfredo packet mix).
  9. I also oven sprayed & cleaned the microwave convection oven (way overdue especially from the Teen who doesn't always use plates/ trays/baking paper or even bother to wipe it after use)
  10. Still managed the regular washing, made the 'bed', unpacked the dishwasher, washed up 3-4 times , picked up toys , play referee ... yell " sit down, stop jumping, stop running, put that back,don't hit him, give that back " 100 times etc.
  11. I even used a can opener to open baked beans for dinner one small boy that truly exerted me. I haven't used the can opener in weeks...lucky I found it . The other small boy chose Number-gettio's (with a ring pull) so that made life easier =).
  12. Distributed numerous snacks/drinks & bribes, over the course of the day, to said small boys in order to do all of this.
  13. ...Finally I sat down with a toasted waffle & vanilla icecream with (frozen) blueberries.Then finished up with a dose of HOUSE !
I know my DH may not notice all my hard work ...*sigh*

...*shudder*...lucky for me or he might expect it all the time !!!

Still I am feeling slightly blissfully domestic.

& P.S. I am so hiding the Magnums now I have so many Tupperware containers with lids...

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Marilyn Rodrigues said...

Good Lord Trish! I got tired just reading the list.

I desperately have to do an 'autumn clean' as well, I'm just putting it off for another, um,week.

Anonymous said...

I am incredibly impressed by your cleaning list. Pretty much every item on the list would be on my list. Unfortunately the way I am going, it is likely to be spring before it is attempted.

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