Friday 24 April 2009

Everyone needs some body ...

So do you like quizzes ? The ones you find in magazines.
Are you a good spouse ?
How romantic are you ?
Are you a good friend ?
Blah blah blah !

When you find one do you mentally see how you rate ?
Do you cheat to get the right answer ?
Are you brave enough to fill in the blanks (& honestly)?
Do you leave it lying around for others to see ? ... not me !

I digress . I am struggling to get through what I have to do let alone what I want to do with regards to keeping up with friends. I feel a bad friend at the moment.

So I wondered ...

How do you encourage others?
  • call them
  • email them
  • twitter or facebook personal message (PM) them
  • commenton their blog diligently
  • send them a note or card via snail mail
  • visit or plan a date to meet
  • Tell them you are thinking of them or just think of them (it is the thought that counts)
  • Pray for them ... ( maybe you don't tell them)
  • Buy, make ,bake or take them something special (or post it)

2. How do you show them that you care?
  • call them
  • email them
  • Twitter or Facebook personal message (PM) them
  • comment on their blog diligently
  • send them a note or card via snail mail
  • visit or plan a date to meet
  • Tell them you are thinking of them or just think of them (it is the thought that counts)
  • Pray for them ... ( maybe you don't tell them)
  • Buy, make ,bake or take (send) them something special (or post it)

3. How do you thank someone?
  • call them
  • email them
  • Twitter or Facebook or personal message (PM) them
  • comment on their blog diligently
  • send them a note or card via snail mail
  • visit or plan a date to meet
  • Tell them you are thinking of them or just think of them (it is the thought that counts)
  • Pray for them ... ( maybe you don't tell them)
  • Buy, make ,bake or take them something special (or post it)
4. How do you maintain friendships with those you can't see regularly (or at all - bloggy friends in another state or country) ?
  • call them
  • email them
  • Twitter or Facebook them
  • comment on their blog diligently
  • send them a note or card via snail mail
  • visit or plan a date to meet on a set date whenever possible (if ever)
  • Tell them you are thinking of them or just think of them (it is the thought that counts)
  • Buy, make or send them something special (or post it)
It is the same the world over.We all want to be a friend of someone.We all have our own unique ways of connecting with those around us (or far away).

Some of us may be really good at keeping in contact via the Internet/email/FB /Myspace /Twitter / Unique Forums etc. Others have the enviable reputation for sending a beautiful hand-written note, card or even a handmade crafty goodie.

In real life many try to find ways (excuses) to get together for a day out, coffee or lunch...not just with real life friends but real blogging ones too.

I had a great day yesterday meeting up again with Guera, Fe, M, Tiff ... Super Sarah was going to come but she much more important things happening ...her new baby girl, Stella was born on Wednesday.

Some of us pray, some others leave comments on blogs that we read. Some follow each other on Facebook. Some make a phone call. Some days we don't have time for any of these things but of course we 'THINK' about them.

It makes me feel bad.

The key is making contact. Real... Live... Contact... being Geniuine (even via fibre optic cables or whatever waves those wireless connections use)

There are so many comments I read every day on my own and other blogs that continually remind me how valuable it is to make contact , 'connections' however we can. Be it someone next door or across the universe especially in this world where 'time' seems to be in short supply.

There is a 'young' homeless woman who sleeps in the open at the end of our street. She has a bundle of blankets/doona and evena silver tarpaulin when it rains. She has been there more than a week. Sleeping or sitting barely metres from a busy'ish local main road , near the local 'corner' (but not on a corner) shop.

I spoke to her the other day.She is maybe in her early 30's (late 20's - I am so not a good judge of age).

I get scared walking down my driveway at night ...

I mentioned her to my husband - he said she had been there longer (around the district for months) , our 15yr old son had seen her too wandering about the local shops (1-2 kms away). Another friend who lives 3-4 kms away know about her and has seen her too. She stands out because she wears a red bandana on her head. I know nothing of her history. It was the first time I recall seeing her (a few times that same week)

I laid awake at night wondering where are her friends (or family) , who cares for her ? I worry about her. I now pray for her. I am not sure why I even mentioned her. I just wonder why ?

P.S. I did offer her something but she declined ...
P.P.S. I am trying to return comments.Life is just a little busy right now. I don't believe in The Housework Fairy anymore...*sigh*

Never miss a post


♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

Argh ... blogger is not my friend tonight it will not let me edit my post to add links and a title ...I was having a hard time deciding.
It keeps timing me out.

Carrie27 said...

Well - written post. I am one that uses multiple forms of communication, depending on whow the person is. For example, I have to talk to my sister daily. I would worry something was wrong if I did not. I can go a week without talking to an IRL friend, we both have busy lives. Bloggers - this is where I struggle. I enjoy commenting and receiving comments, but I haven't jumpstarted any other forms of communication with them. What if you think your blogger "friend" is more to you then what they think of you? What if they don't respond to your email and you are left feeling like you pushed the boundaries?

Ok, that was a long response...sorry.

Hey it's Amy Benson said...

Your posts always touch my heart ♥ Thank you! I am happy you are my bloggy friend :D HUGS!

tiff said...

I always wonder about homeless people. How they got to the place they are in.

It's easy to hide away from people but SO good when a friend reaches out or you make the leap. It's so nice.

I had a lovely time on Thursday, as nervous as I was. I felt better, knowing you were going to be there.

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

@ Carrie - try it and see. I have made some very special blogger/internet friends .Some fell away with the passage of time and some became real life friends.
I don't know how to tell if you pushed the boundaries but someone else might have the same fears as you and be waiting for you to take the first step. It is worth it.

@Amy - thank you and I ♥ your posts and your bloggy friendship too.

@Tiff - ♥ you were one of my first and dearest Internet/bloggy friends to reach out to me when I needed a friend.
Making a connection with you over 4yrs ago was one one of the best things I ever did...I am so glad you came on Thursday too.
Have I told you lately how much I ♥ you ;).

Blossom said...

I think we all do the best we can............
We are all busy....some more than others....but I suppose you can only do what you can do...
I rarely judge anyone these just don't know what is going on in their lives.....

Totally childish comment now..........
I am pouting coz I didn't get to meet up with you all....sigh........pout pout..........
off to sulk now.

Heather said...

Ah, if only the Housework Fairy were real...I'd like to think I'd be a lot better at keeping connected with friends if the dirty dishes and laundry weren't always calling.

Fat Chick said...

I was just thinking about this. For me, I have to remind myself to accept whatever form of communication my beloveds wish to use to let me know that they care about me. In terms of showing my beloveds I care, I try to do what works for them. It depends on the person. For example, my sister and I email all day long. My aunt, on the other hand, only likes phone calls at certain times. I also try to send cards occasionally.

ruddygood said...

I think you have no reason to are a lovely friend, whatever medium you use to communicate. :) <3

For myself, I'm with Blossom and FatChick - I do what works for the people concerned. I must say the good old Interwebs certainly works for me, especially FB (as you and the majority of my regular contacts are made that way. Still, I pick up the phone quite a bit, especially for older relatives.

And I'm happy to hear from people any old how - ANY sort of contact is welcome in our hectic lives. A message on FB or my answering machine can still bring a smile to my face and a swing to my step.

I used to be such a letter writer, but my paternal grandmother was my last regular correspondent and she died last I hope that all my old correspondents are holding onto those little gems I penned in the past - they might be worth something some day...LOL!!

Erin said...

Your boys are darling! Love the pic of them drumming. I hope we can be as blessed with our upcoming IVF.

Erin said...

I just noticed Charlotte's story and read it. My Charlotte is in heaven too, she passed away 2 months ago at age 3. I'm so sorry you didn't get have Charlotte longer, but I know she is yours forever.

Louisa Claire said...

I've not got much to say except I think about this all the time. I've recently learned that two friends of mine who don't have children were really hurt by my lack of regular contact when LP was born, which has (perhaps obviously) been really hurtful for me to hear...will we ever be able to get the balance right?!

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