Saturday, 18 April 2009

Have you heard this ?

She said she wanted to be Elaine Page and they laughed ...
The audience were cheering, on their feet by the time 47 year-old Susan Boyle had finished singing on Britain's Got Talent. The unassuming, lady from West Lothian near Edinburgh looked shy but showed her true spunk despite the eye rolling and cynical looks the judges gave her.
There is no embeddable version available so please go here and watch ... you'll be surprised as they were by her extraordinary performance. She is incredible.
Win Susan Win !
She is singing I dreamed a dream from Les Miserables.
Go see more Smiley Saturday posts here ... and Do you think America's Got Talent with the Laughing Yogi ? He'll make you smile though.
What made you smile this week ?
Ps Please make me smile and read the post below that I planned to be my Smiley Saturday post

I got inpatient and posted it last night instead.
Never miss a post


Lilly said...

I just loved it!!!!

Blossom said...

isn't ashe just amazing???
how lucky is her choir group to have her??

I cried...

Ingrid said...

I saw and heard her this morning in the Euronews ! what a terrific voice ! Maybe she is not a beauty but she sings like an angel !

Lightening said...

She has an amazing voice! :) A real inspiration.

tiff said...

Amazing! Amazing and remember the old saying, you should NEVER judge a book by it's cover! Those judgemental people out in the audience soon changed their tune.

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

She is amazing!

Green Girl said...

Yes, i watched her and she's amazing! =)

MissyBoo said...

She was amazing wasn't she :)

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