Still no news of any note ... my camera still isn't back *sigh*
Little boys on the move constantly inside & outside ...
with the exception of a Wiggles DVD break and or snack time
... Easter weekend in Dubbo
... a day at the Taronga Western Plains Zoo Monday (pictures coming)
... traveling home from Dubbo Tuesday
... preschool Wednesday ( & Friday) &
... me time (1.5hrs) at the gym on Thursday (owww ch !)
... Little boys loving the life they live
... Busy little boys but who still won't go to sleep till late
... Watching them play as they 'tear' the house apart LOL.
...Catching their looks of delight
...Laughing, smiling, as I see them really play with each other and enjoy it , other times watching each twin do their own thing and then suddenly realize that what the other is doing is more fun.
... 'Hello we missed you today Mum' hugs after preschool days
I am so thankful for the life they have and the joy they bring me . They love outdoor activities & opportunities to play in the backyard or dirt or sand every day (not so grateful for the washing and cleaning opportunities they create)
...Teenager having a girlfriend and having attitude ( grrr)
...Housework all day (okay this is a lie)
...Finishing tax returns and other business all night ( but I did it finally today ! hooray !)
...Big food, pantry & freezer shop sans children
Just the usual...
Hope your week was just as good.
Enjoy this life you've been given and smile because you can ♥
Mine is full of love, laughter and laundry! I wouldn't want it any other way.
ps ... I'm still, so, not really here ...with so much to do there has been so little time left for blogging.
Oh, how I have missed all of you!
I haven't even had time to peek in through your 'windows' this week to get a glimpse of what is going on in your lives... don't even ask about my feed reader or all the .............
I'll try to be a better friend next week ♥
♥ I'll try to be a better friend next week ♥
Love to hear you're living life to the max :-)
@Alison - is there any other way ?
I linked over here after seeing your comment on "Our Little Tonnginator"'s site - couldn't resist a blog titled "My little Drummer Boys" because I happen to have 2 of my own who LOVE to drum it up as loud as possible! I call them my fabulous Baker Boys - but I often think of them as my little drummer boys. Anyway - here's to boys who love to drum long and loud!
Teenager with a girl friend ??
Aww puppy love.
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