I found about this website today Eating Safe (via Simple savings).
It is a new website called Eating Safe designed to reduce stress, save time and money. I know a lot of friends allergic to egg, milk and peanuts. They seem to spend a lot of time looking at the back of products for the list of ingredients and more time shopping (yes that's bad - dangerous for your sanity [especially with kids in tow] and the hip pocket or purse!
Eating Safe allows you to search their website lists by allergen and food type - and you can specify this down to quite a specific and detailed level.I have only scratched the surface of what it can do.
It analyses your inputs and you get a summary of products available, the pack size,whether they are red (presence indicated), amber (presence possible)or green (presence not indicated) for the allergen(s).

Then you can check individual labels and if necessary ask for more clarification through a forum.Eating safe site staff can contact the manufacturers for their advice.
It's also very useful for searching additives and nutrients. Search up to four allergens / additives / nutrients at a time , select suitable products and add them to your custom shopping list (as a member).
It is free to join and as a member you will be notified of any product updates that are relevant to your health concern. The database is growing currently it has 13,829 food labels listed.
It will make everyone in the family and especially kids happier munchers!
Welcome NCLM visitors - please read my welcome post HERE
Thanks for the info Trish - This is very kewl!
We are allergic to gluten and nuts and the girls are also lactose intolerant.
It's not only time consuming but a little scary, too.
I'm going to check out Eating Safe right now :-)
@Alison - I thought of you ...was going to drop by and let you know.I only browsed it a little so far.
I often think how lucky I am that we don't have allergies to worry about. It certainly makes food shopping a more complex task.
PS. Please don't look at the time or you will see that I have not met my deadline!
I will have to check that out later! I have a dairy allergy kid and a tree nut allergy kid. Kid #3 has yet to turn up with anything but he just turned 1, so time will tell! NCLM
Thanks for sharring the great link
And by the way, your boys are CUTE!
Great information- I'll have to check it out! Thanks :D
Here via nacomleavemo.
The allergy stuff's interesting. I'm lucky enough not to be allergic to any foodstuff, but my DH is, so perhaps our little one - due in November - might also be.
Very cool website. I just read an article about high fructose corn syrup and how bad it is for you: Now I can look things up!
I really loved the Empty Arms video.
here via NCLM
@ PQ ... busted ;) I only knew 11pm was too early for me so I set midnight (12.04 I switched off)
@Welcome Kim- hope the allergies are manageable and not too serious.
@Thanks Andy
@Hi Amy - good to see you back
@Welcome Portia - congratulations on your pregnancy and I hope they are allergy free.
@Jess -welcome . Yes the Empty arms video is very insightful into the reality of infertility.
Thanks for sharing...very informative! And I am still smiling, your boys are so cute!
Thanks for the link! We're not currently dealing with any major food allergies, but when my daughter was a baby I had to strictly avoid soy while she was breastfeeding and then she developed a milk allergy (which she has thankfully grown out of), so this site would have been very helpful. I'll keep it linked in case I have another baby with food allergies.
Thanks for the tips Trish. My daughter has a peanut allergy, and although I find packaging to be very simple and helpful, I can never be too careful.
(BTW, you are a blogging maniac. I'm catching up on yours tonight!)
Here from NCLM.
In my state in the US we are in the midst of passing a law that requires all restaurants to publish ALL of the allergic ingredients on their menus. I think it's a great idea!
@Still standing strong in the bloom of hope...thank you and I love your positive /affirmative name
@Beth - thanks for visiting.
@Jamie - that's blog 365. I hope Tatum's allergy isn't too severe.It must be difficult checking everything.
@Margalit - that is a great idea.Thanks for visiting me.
Just what I need - thanks for all the info. I have a few allergies I need to sort out and need to improve my diet.
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