Food is my favourite topic !
My Menu plan Monday last week went well . We stuck to the menu 4/7 days.One night (supposed to be pizza) we ate bits and pieces (sausage sandwiches/or on a roll) and leftovers (me) another we swapped chicken and vegetable sticks for steak. Sunday night - we had HJ because we had to drive someone home and the family dinner was cancelled too.
Now, I had to think about what will we eat this week. I did browse a few recipes from my recipe blog but they might be my lunch and I won't post desserts because that's not fair.
I let my other blog slide because I ran out of recipes ...feel free to send me your favourites I would love to revive my blog one day.
Some good news my non-eater, S is eating a little more but not a vegetable has made it past his lips - he hands it to me or tosses it. I worry about him because I know he is anaemic.
This , too will pass. ...One day I will look back and smile ... my teenager
Neither S or J drink cows milk but are still breastfeeding several times a day. I do make S hold out a but more now to encourage him to eat but sometimes it isn't worth the screaming and my guilt to deny him. I don't like to call it demand fed but child led ... at a mutually agreeable time to mummy.
They are so funny now one will bring me the feeding pillow(to computer*gasp* -really because it is only time I sit down) and the other will start to cry and/or wrestle it off them. Then the loser will sit and cry loudly. It breaks my heart to chose and leave one crying.
I still tandem feed though they tend to think it is play time and do acrobats and twists - stretching and eye poking, guarding their territory (.), slapping my chest and laughing hysterically while gripping hold with their teeth. So , I prefer to single feed.
When I stay up late blogging - one or other of the twins will toddle from the bedroom (we co sleep at night - DH is usually in there sleeping oblivous to their waking ).The Brothers know where to find me ... sad but true. It is my child free time. They pick up the Zoo pillow on the way to me and hand it to me or start signing 'milk'.

I digress ...The Planning Queen has more awesome planning and menu ideas this week - and a shopping list to print off. I will soon ...
Yesterday, morning, I baked a banana caramel cake -(with
Saturday, I baked more chocolate pecan chunk cookies .We had left over mix (I know so wrong) that I left in fridge shaped into balls - Saturday afternoon I only had to put them in a preheated oven - fresh cookies in 12 mins.
This week I even *gasp* cleaned my deep freeze out to see what we had. Not much actually food but lots of ice cream .Also, bread I bought last Monday at reduced prices.It looks so organised now.
...my menu plan (Sorry I was late posting - two little things sidetracked me)
Tonight: We had steak , mashed potato and steamed vegies. I got Chipolata sausages and even S ate them. Hooray for progress (no vegies still unless you count potato in the oven fries because neither will eat mash).
Tuesday : Roast Beef , potatoes ,sweet potato and steamed vegies (maybe my home grown zucchini).
Wednesday: BBQ /grilled Satay Marinated Chicken and vegetable sticks in Satay Sauce and Jasmine Rice, steamed beans & peas (for J) (we missed this last week)
Thursday:Spaghetti Bolognaise - the family's favorite meal - everyone eats this (complete with home grown basil , hidden grated carrots/home grown zucchini and red Lentils -I am really sneaky.)
Friday: Take away ... hey I need to have a night off sometime.
Saturday: BBQ and vegetable rice medley
Sunday : I am waiting to browse the other MPM 'ers at Organising Junkie and find something to surprise the family.
It makes the week seem to go quickly planing it out .
what's for dinner at your place ?
PLease save some cookies for me
That is exciting that S is eating a little more. I noticed with my non-eater that it's so gradual it's difficult to notice a change when I'm the one with him everyday. Family members who see us once a month will comment on how much they've seen him progress since the previous month. So that is encouraging. You're about the teenage years though. I'm sure I'll look back to this time and laugh. Thank goodness for the breastfeeding!
As for my meals this week - I'm trying to use up food we already have. Although I'm starting to feel like Old Mother Hubbard! Tonight will be pork chops, caesar salad and potatoes of some sort. Unexciting, I know.
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The photo is just classic!
We are all vegetarian here, so I am very conscious of iron intake. The girls will drink fruit smoothies and I can usually add spirulina powder without their noticing. Freezing some in ice cube trays works for us, too.
Have a yummy week :)
Chiq is just the same when she is feeding - squirming and wriggling, whacking me and kicking around - all while holding on by the teeth! I can't imagine if there were two!!
My gosh you sound organised. Well done you should be pleased. I guess you would have to be super organised. I was doing lots of cake baking today too. Tonight we had steak and steamed veges. Even though I like baking ornate cakes, I prefer very plain food. No sauces, flavourings etc. It drives people mad but I have always been the same. And its not because I dont like food. I will have to check out your recipes.
Loved the breastfeeding story - so lucky that you can multi task!
You have avery healthy week planned. Thanks for the link!
That menu looks so yummy!! Yu're making me hungry!
Glad to hear about the multi-tasking.. :)The bbq/grilled satay mainated chicken and vegetable sticks.sound delicious...thanks for the blog visit..
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