Every night ...unless I do my Menu plan Monday I have to think about what will we eat ?
to cover the palates of two toddlers (one very fussy and the other an average eater who likes his vegetables) , a
Today I got this link Mealopedia that might help ...
Rising food prices starting to take more out of your pocket? Tired of wandering aimlessly around the supermarket?I can see you are nodding your head too ... did you read my shopping experiences with twins
Mealopedia helps you to achieve affordable and painless grocery shopping by creating your weekly menu & a shopping list that only contains the required amounts of ingredients you'll need. No more repeat supermarket trips to pick up forgotten items and no more half-baked meals.They even have this nifty recipe finder
Have an ingredient in the fridge or cupboard but don't know what to do with it? Got a craving for something special? Try our new Recipe Finder to find recipes that match your needs!
Or better yet ...The Planning Queen has some awesome planning and menu ideas - you can even print off a shopping list.
I also can't wait to hear how Marita @ Stuff with thing does 4 weeks worth of shopping in one hit.I am so jealous.
Last night we had a traditional lamb and beef roast except we cooked the meat in the hooded BBQ and it was mmmmmmm. My family were here and they even brought the meat.
This morning I baked these awesome (well I think so) chocolate pecan chunk cookies .We had left over Easter eggs ( I know that is breaking all the chocolate rules) but Aldis chocolate is not as good as Cadbury and the darn teen hates it plus it got melted on the way out to the farm in my Niece's car and foil was hard to peel.
Oops I almost forgot ...my menu plan
Tonight: who knows ? I feel like Old Mother Hubbard my cupboards and fridge are bare. I am going shopping when DH gets home to save dragging the Brothers or the grumbling teen about.
Tuesday : BBQ Satay Marinated Chicken and vegetable sticks in Satay Sauce and Jasmine Rice, steamed beans & peas (for J)
Wednesday: Spaghetti Bolognaise - the family's favorite meal - everyone eats this (complete with home grown basil , hidden grated carrots/home grown zucchini and red Lentils -I am really sneaky.)
Thursday:Chicken Schnitzel, creamy potato mash and vegetable (plus rice side dish and peas for J - he likes peas)
Friday:Beef Strognoff and rice
Saturday: I might try making my own pizza dough now I bought some yeast
Sunday : Roast ? & gravy , roast potatoes/pumpkin and lots of steamed vegetables .Another family dinner with my brother, his family and my Mother !
what's for dinner at your place ?
We've started shopping at a wholesalers; getting stuff in bulk and other things dirt cheap!
Pick me up at the airport, I'm coming for dinner Wednesday night.
Sounds super yummy. :)
Your meals always sound so good! We tonight we had garlic chicken, pasta and asparagus. I know, not fancy like yours!
Thanks for the link to my blog! Thanks also for the one to Mealopedia - I hadn't come across that yet. I wish my kids would eat mashed potato - none of them like it and when it is cold I love creamy mashed potatoes.
I am so not into it lately. I really need a kick up the backside so thanks for these links babe.
Might eat something decent for a change!
Jayne - I am going to check out a place hopefully soon for bulk stuff.
Janice - LOL spag bol is nothing too fancy
Project Mommy- your pasta sound super fancy I love the sound of it... mm an idea is coming on.
Planning queen my little guys don't eat mashed potato either I wish they would .
Kelley - I am going to give a try next week - the mealopedia even plans a weeks worth for you... with the shopping list too.Maybe a few dishes can't get by with out our favourites.
I usually have this half under control.. we do a main shop once a month and then just get fresh fruit and vege during the month - but of late I've been so scattered and going into town to take the girls to kinder means much more chance to go to the shops and we have blown our food budget last month for the firs time in over 18 months! :( SO I am off to check out the site you recommended... but I want to read that 'other post' - you know the one about the love slave and concubine?!?
I shop once a week, usually on Sunday afternoons and I write a list of what need for the weekly meals and my lunches (I need to take lunch to work but my bf eats near his work) I don`t usually cook on Saturday nights....Sometimes I don`t cook on Friday`s either. We are usually out and about or I eat with friends.
I am working on getting our grocery bill down. It is difficult in Japan! This weeks menu plan. Tuesday is Japanese hambagu with hambagu sauce (like rissoles) rice and gomae beans (A japanese seasame soy sauce green bean salad), Wednesday is salmon, asparagus cream pasta with garlic bread and Thursday will be fish, miso soup, rice, and kinpera gouba (A japanese root vegtable salad that is a little sweet)....Friday we will have Indian curry if I actually cook!
Tonight Shun had work party and didn`t need dinner so I ate toast!
I love beef strog....Can I come?
Yum, everything looks so good. Thanks for sharing.
Mine is up too
Mealopedia sounds pretty cool, I'm going to have to check it out. Those chocolate pecan chunk cookies sound so delicious!!
It all sounds yummy!
Thanks for sharing...
OoOoOoo.. what time is dinner on Sunday? LOL!
Sorry for the spam but I'm letting everyone on the Heads Or Tails blogroll know that HoT has a home of its own! You can find it HERE. :)
It's just me and my kittens, so I don't plan much, but I also do one big shop once a month and then weeklies for fresh fruit and veggies.
My favorite is making roast with onions and italitan seasonings and shredding it to make sandwiches, add to tacos, add cheese to, toss in some peas one day, pretty much anything
Yummy, i like the sound of all of it, and well done for hiding the veggies in the spagbol!
Ah - you have concocted the same spag bol recipe as me! Isn't the collective subconscious wonderful!!
Really great post - just had a laugh about your shopping with twins (sorry).
Tonight is Taco Night. We are creatures of habit!
I loath shopping with my girls in tow. But I don't have much option so I'm trying to get it done in one big hit each month.
Posted about it here -
And if one more person asks if my girls are twins I might just have to commit an act of violence.... then again it has gotten me freebies of stuff from kindly, sympathetic vendors at the market so perhaps I shouldn't complain.
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