So it was Friday 29th yesterday - happy birthday to all who celebrate birthdays ... one of my cousins is '32' but it's only her 8th birthday. Tiff's mum had a birthday too.
An extra day ... did I put that extra 24 hrs to good use ? Maybe ? Yes ... I took S & J to an indoor play centre with some friends and they had a ball. Then DH & I ,with wee lads went to dinner at the local pub .The steak was overcooked ,very average but we didn't complain and send it back. They probably didn't like us using the buy 1 get one free !
Today, I am grateful that I have been nursing my sons for 20 months and still counting. I am blessed that my husband gave me the support I needed to achieve this. I tip my bra to him.
I never had to buy even one tin of formula (not that I have anything against the use of formula) . J had expressed breast milk for 5 months so we still had to buy bottles and teats etc.It has been an amazing experience.
I don't know what excuse I will be able to give when they wean ... the boys (one at a time) love nursing on my lap at the computer especially to sleep at night... for hours.
Your turn ....tell us what are you grateful for.Kate would love you to join us in her new meme. What are you waiting for it's not to too late.
Come back later for Smiley Saturday ~ we got some laundry to hang on the line (hooray the sun is shining) and then some shopping to do.
I am thankful for a teen daughter that can make me dinner. Yummy toasted salami, cheese and baby spinach sandwich!
Kelley - AWESOME !
my 14yr old is getting better at making a cup of tea and pouring a glass of vino. He can bring the chocolate too - if he hasn't eaten it all.
Well done for bf'ing for so long!! I like the meme idea, I might join in next week.
What an amazing feat...20 months with the brothers. wow.
WOW 20 months! That is definitely something to be thankful for, and I totally know what you mean. My girls breastfed until they were 2 and 2.5 and despite lots of battles and problems along the way I will forever be thankful that we were able to breastfeed for that long, or even at all!
Go you milky Mamma you!
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