Thursday 14 February 2008

Screen Clean Tip

Does your monitor screen need cleaning - lick here for a free quick cleaning tip


Lil Knitter said...

Now that is too cute. Hope you don't mind if I pass this "helpful link" along. lol

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

sure - go a head my friend emailed it to me today &hearts

Badness Jones said...

Lol! Thanks!

Tracey said...

Classic! I'll be passing that one on!!

Military Mom said...

Oh Geez! That was funny!

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

apparently it melted some guys server on digg - it was so popular.

Robyn Jones said...

OK...that was very cool...Do you mind if I steal that???

Missy said...

HA! That made my night!

Anonymous said...

I was wondering what to post. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

OMG that was SO funny!!! I clicked it and then switched over to another window and forgot about it (IM will do that you know...) So when I closed out of the window there he was! HAHA! It took me a minute to figure out what was going on. Thanks for the laugh!

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