Click on the image for a larger view ...This was done by somebody who had way too much time to play on the computer! But it's really interesting! wordless wednesday
This is wonderful. I remember a far less elaborate (okay, it was simple) version of this kind of work when I was in junior high. We had No. 2 pencils way back then.
WOW! Seriously amazing! Thanks for posting that. Happy WW to you! I just posted my 1st WW on my blog. :) <3, Amy in AZ PS. I liked reading your "100 things" we have a lot in common! :D
Please know that even when I do not respond specifically to your comment - I treasure each comment made and consider it a thoughtful act of friendship. So what do you have to say ? Share with me ... add your ingredients to this recipe we call life.
that's amazing. Happy WW to you...
Those are really cool!! :D
Very impressive. Very talented too. Excellent. Have a great WW. :)
WOW! Very impressive indeed! Love it:)
Mine is up here;
Happy WW-Tuesday!
You are right too much time on their hands. Goodness.
This is wonderful. I remember a far less elaborate (okay, it was simple) version of this kind of work when I was in junior high. We had No. 2 pencils way back then.
This is fun.
I am going to try one ... one day...when I have more time on my hands
Whoa that is quite impressive!
Very cool...I love the detail:) Happy WW my friend and thanks for stopping by. Its always great to see you.
wow, that is so cool!! Have a great Wednesday.
That's definitely cool! :) Thanks for stopping by my blog. :)
Extremely cool! Way to time consuming. Happy WW!
Way too much time? Nah, I think it's someone with an immense gift. These are remarkable!
My latest image is now up, too:
Hope you have a wonderful WW!
Those are just way too cool
Happy Not So WW
That is so cool! I can never quite be wordless either;)
Oh, wow. Those are amazing! Did you do them, find them, ... what's the story? Great choice!
Er... oops. Just saw the blurb under the pic, finally. I don't know how I missed that before. But still cool!
Wow!!! :)
Very cool, indeed! Definetly need somethign more to occupy themselves with, lol.
WOW! Where did you find this? Happy WW
This is a talented individual. Nice photos. Happy WW!
Amazing pictures
Those are cool - took me a while to figure out what was going on. Clever.
How talented you are very nice.
I've never seen anything quite like that before, and I'm fascinated. Thanks fr posting those. Happy WW.
Wow, superb! :D
Very nice pencil drawing. Great. Happy WW.
Nicely done. I can tell thought that it isn't a design of my house (sighs). Happy WW!
I'm not sure if i should be impressed or worried about someone with so much free time :P
Those look really cool :)
Great WW images! I once saw someone that could draw like this with those old Etch-a-Sketch toys. Remarkable...
I have a George Bush cartoon waiting for you.
peace, Villager
That's cool! I really am speechless. :D
Wow!! That looks like it would be hard!
That's amazing!
Happy WW :)
That's impressive! Great use of imagination and creativity.
Mine is at my other blog:
That's amazing! Very cool to use as a WW!
Amazing! I marvel at people's creativity....
Awesome and very creative!
Very impressive. I don't have that much patience to do that but someone did!
Those are really cool, thanks for sharing. Happy WW to you!
where did you find those or did you do them?
Super cool! I love it!
WOW! Seriously amazing! Thanks for posting that.
Happy WW to you!
I just posted my 1st WW on my blog. :)
<3, Amy in AZ
PS. I liked reading your "100 things" we have a lot in common! :D
It was emailed to me on by my friend, not sure where she received it from.
Talented I would say. Great post for WW.
I posted mine :)
Very creative an innovative.
I'm impressed
What neat pictures! Thanks for sharing!
These are amazing! Thanks for sharing!
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