Oh how could I forget I got my new nappies Magicalls from Baby Beehinds today - hand delivered fluffy mail that the lovely nappy fairy - Jenny left on my doorstep ... I didn't hear her knocking.I was either changing or squirting some awfully Sh***y nappies LOL.
They are woeful at the moment - someone mentioned teething poos but hey I don't know.
I just hope they fit ... S has lost a little weight or scales are wrong at hospital 9.7kg and J was 10.4 last week.
On the bright side I discovered S likes a bit of low fat Vanilla Ski yoghurt. I will have to try him on full fat Ski though ... he still gags on Jalna (or spits it everywhere).
Friday, 10 August 2007

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Magicalls and Sam likes to 'Ski'
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