There is a hole in my heart. I am gutted for her and her family.
She was in her 40's.
I chatted with her via Fb a week before, I planned for a visit in the next 2-3wks. (She lived 2hrs away.)
It wasn't to be .
A teenage son & daughter and a husband whose loss is immeasurable . Who though at peace with her passing , knowing she has gone into God's hands , will grieve her for the rest of their lives.
I don't know the circumstances. It isn't about me and my loss. I cannot imagine how her family is feeling.
It just so happened I was having my radiation in Orange and saw in The clinic her the day she found out her breast cancer had returned.
I was also visiting the day the doctors gave her the raw truth "how much time do I have" talk . I was shocked they didn't think to have her husband there.
Though , I was asked to leave the room, afterwards - she mentioned it was measured possibly in years. She mentioned her concern for her daughter immediately that it not happen while she was doing her HSC.
Not 11 months.
Eleven months of unplesant treatment , surgery, pain and time away from her family ; for the most part, that robbed my dear friend of all she loved.
I'm not afraid to talk about the big issues on my blog.
I've shared my own personal story and experiences with cancer so others don't have to face it alone.
Someone told me recently
" ...readers are often looking to your blog as a source of advice, inspiration or empowerment, much like turning to a friend "
Pink Hope, breast and ovarian cancer prevention charity, have launched their first Pinky Promise campaign – an initiative to encourage Australians to make a pledge with their best friend to reduce their risk of preventable cancer.

Pink Hope believe making a simple pledge or ‘pinky promise’ with a friend is a great way to keep each other accountable.
.... you can pledge to get regular screening tests, to maintain a healthy diet, or to stop smoking or reduce alcohol – all of which reduce your risk of preventable cancer.
Not that I think all breast and ovarian cancers can be prevented , but we can make a difference by reducing our risk and early detection.
During the month of May ~ Pink Hope wants to see more than 100,000 people register their pledge at by the end of June, to prevent more families from going through the distressing experience of cancer diagnosis, treatment and in too many cases losing a loved one.
There is just a week left in May - will you join me ?The value of living each day to its fullest, not putting off until tomorrow what you could do today. After all, one day, there will not be a tomorrow.
Time is ticking. Please think about the preventative steps you can take to reduce your risk of cancer this Pinky Promise month.
Excitingly, people who register their pledge at will go in the draw to win a trip for two to New York City, donated by Emma & Roe by Michael Hill – a wonderful experience to share with a best friend.
Take a selfie with a BFF making a Pinky Promise and
upload it to Instagram using our hashtag, and you
could laso both shine in the full Pink Hope collection
by Emma & Roe by Michael Hill worth $1,000!
PS: I'm going to give my friend's daughter a Mother's love Rose plant.Hopefully I can track one down and give her a pinky promise ring.
My pinky promise is to modify my diet and alcohol intake to reduce my risk of reoccurance.
agentmysterycase 63p · 511 weeks ago
My recent post Blog Exchange | Thinking outside the niche
Trish 114p · 511 weeks ago
Thank you.
mbpps 38p · 511 weeks ago
My recent post A Story to Remember
Trish 114p · 511 weeks ago
PS I love that song "Brown Paper Packages" are my favourite too.
Amy @ HandbagMafia · 511 weeks ago
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My recent post Jarrah Jungle - 5 Year Blog-versary
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havealaughonme 84p · 511 weeks ago
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Twitchy Sharon · 511 weeks ago
Trish 114p · 511 weeks ago
jessnewman877 75p · 511 weeks ago
Love the idea of a pinky promise. Mine is to actually book a pap smear. I've been putting it off for too long.
My recent post I Don’t Wanna Miss A Thing (Except I don’t mind missing a few things) #IBOT
Trish 114p · 511 weeks ago
sammie71 49p · 510 weeks ago
Trish 114p · 510 weeks ago