Struggling to get through what I have to do (our TAX) let alone what I want to do with regards to keeping up with friends.
Facebook is handy and instant yet lacks that personal connection.
I can tell my friends I am thinking of them or
- email them
- Twitter or Facebook them
- comment on their blog or guest book diligently (if they blog)
- Skype - that is something I did with one lovely friend while our children screamed or played in the background.
Everyone loves to receive personal mail ...except bills and overdue reminders.
Some of us may be really good at keeping in contact via the social media and FB groups (running or medical ) etc.
Truth - I want to develop an enviable reputation for sending a beautiful hand-written note, card or even a rare handmade crafty thing (I started a pay in forward to play out over the next year).
Yesterday I found a huge bundle or old letters and cards (some from 25+ years ago). I haven't time to wander down Memory lane yet.
In real life I try to find ways to get together for a day out, coffee or lunch...not just with real life friends but friends met through blogging . Sometimes it doesn't happen any more and friendships wane.
With some people I could probably pick up where we left off , the
I don't dwell on those friendships, I accept life changes and challenges us . I cherish those who hold me up and message, email or ring or send snail cards. Some dear new URL friends - that I've recently had the pleasure to meet are dear to me too. I appreciate that there are people THERE for me in many shapes and forms.
I digress. It makes me feel bad when I can't be a good friend. I confess I still find it lonely here because my network of in-real life friends are 4-5hrs away. They are busy dealing with their own lives and problems. I miss seeing and being with them. I have some new friends just no besties. The one I did make moved away 18 months.
While not all my friendships are perfect and close or even 'local' I have some of the nicest friends and acquaintances a girl could wish for. I am so thankful.
Maintaining contact is the key. Real... Live... Contact... being genuine (even via fibre optic cables or whatever waves those wireless connections use).
My earworm for today !
Wherever you go
wherever you may wander in your life
Surely I know I'll always wanna be there
Holding your hand and standing by to catch you when you fall
Seeing you through I ev'rything you do Let me be there in your morning
Let me be there in your night
Let me change whatever wrong and make it right
Let me take you through that wonderland
That I only two can share All I ask you is let me be there
Watching you grow And going though the changes in your life
That's how I know I'll always wanna be there
Whenever you feel You need a friend to lean on here I am
Whenever you call You know I'll be there
Let me be there ...
I'm still standing because of people holding my hand, walking alongside me.
Ever mindful that in this age of insta-everything these days picking up the humble pen to write a handwritten note or card is still the most appreciated form of snail mail ...(in an envelop - unless it's a cheque ) I am setting myself an October challenge (one of many lol).
I plan to send a card, note or letter or something a day to 31 friends and family (and more if I manage it).
How do you maintain friendships with those you can't see regularly (or at all - URL friends in another state or country) ?
Oh the smile Claire Hewitt (she inspired a handwritten challenge 2 yrs ago) says
Mail, actually written by you has a secret power that you never even realise. Only the receiver gets the magic. That extra smile you have when you get a surprise letter, the joy of hearing from someone real, of learning some news, of knowing someone far away was thinking about them.How many days has it been since you last sought a big red post box and popped inside it a handwritten note sealed with a smile - destined for someone you care for?"