The journey of these past 13 weeks has definitely had more twists and turns and bends than I (we) ever could’ve imagined.
Four days into Autumn I was diagnosed with a malignant sarcoma and a few other scary things that could be life threatening; scaring the heck out of us...
The road was overwhelming on so many levels, I've found it hard to always have to keep a brave face.
Yet ... not a day that goes by where I'm not grateful to awaken to another day , look into the faces of my seven year old sons and be positive and grateful that I can. I owe to myself to enjoy life as much as I can. I've missed them so much the last 5 wks.
I've made new friends ; in the absence of others that have disappointed or seemingly forgotten me. I accept that I'm hard work , I've come to cherish people who share conversations online and offline when I've needed someone to listen.
I apologise because I've have
I had fun staying with my dear friend and her three gorgeous daughters for 4 weeks (3-4 weekdays) of 5 (radiation).
Sometimes it's very difficult to not let some
Now , I look forward to Winter , tomorrow we get up again and face it head on.
PS - I'm not blogging everyday in June -though I've enjoyed Claire's prompts.