I made a tweaked wheat free (buckwheat flour) version of this moreish Cinnamon Roll Pancakes recipe today.They are delicious, just don't do what I did and taste with haste (in other words shove it in your gob too quick) because you'll burn the roof of your mouth.
I used my own pancake recipe but followed the tips found on Pinterest.
I had my idea for it but checked google for 'how to make' and Pinterest showed me dozens of recipes.
Unfortunately, I did not have cream cheese drizzle but I will next time.
Plus, I will stack them 3 high...two is not enough.
I am also going to try her other suggestions and a few of my own.
TIP - Recipe Girl's tips are valuable to success.
PS did you know you can now pin directly from the image, come back tomorrow and I show you mine.
Edited - to change image.
Be careful when you are pinning because there are a lot of spam links with popular recipes like this, and images that don't lead direct to the website.