I can't tell you what our business involves because it's kind of secret.
I must confess that I don't do much at the moment due to my treatment.
Once was a nurse, now a Mother...just a mother paid in “I Love You,Mummy”and sticky kisses.
It is all I ever wanted and it is the best job in the world!
Can you imagine the job description ?
Now that I think about - I don't have time for anything else ...on a daily basis what do I do ?
I'm a blogger , a reader, I also do a little walking & running in my spare time .
I am an expert appreciator ...because I am not a bit creative or talented at any one thing.
Linking in with Kirsty @My Home Truths
I'm taking part in the Mother's Day Classic raising funds for breast cancer research. Every extra dollar raised goes towards vital research into the prevention and cure of breast cancer. I'll be participating or volunteering along with 120,000 Australians nationwide who are making a difference on Mother's Day . You can help me too by donating online ♥