Today I wanted to share this ...every day I try to yell less , though I get sucked back into raising my voice a notch or three when I feel stressed or thwarted by things I want to do.
I'm ashamed of myself for being a yeller, more often than I would like and most times unnecessarily.
This lady speaks clearly how I feel about yelling too. I'm going to print it out and read it often.
Enough said.
I'm taking part in the City to Surf as Gold Charity Runner raising funds for Breast Cancer Network Australia .Today alone, 40 Australian women will hear the words ‘you have breast cancer’. Life will never be the same again. I was one of those women 12 months ago.
Every extra dollar raised goes towards Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) works to ensure that women diagnosed with breast cancer, and their families, receive the very best information, treatment, care and support possible, no matter who they are or where they live. You can help me too I've pledged to raise $1000 - donate here