Tuesday, 12 March 2013

How Eskimos keep Their Babies Warm and more than one way to parent a child

Book Review
I've been doing a lot more reading lately. I can't wait till the weather cools to snuggle up on the couch or under the doona with a book. There is nothing more satisfying.

I've always been an avid reader but since the Internet children I've read less and less. Reading a book (s) for my own enjoyment used to be a part of my daily activity, now I'm more dependent on technology and finding less time to read 'paper' books. I do read to my children most nights and listen to them read home readers 4-5 days a week

I was sent several books to review in the past month so I've been very busy.

How Eskimos keep Their Babies : Parenting wisdom from around the world , has been absolutely delightful.

I learn so many things through reading. Reading gives me insight into other peoples lives and cultures and this book was eye opening.

A charming insight into child-rearing practices across the globe

How Eskimos Keep Their Babies Warm is the perfect read for fans of bestselling parenting book French Children Don't Throw Food.

'A captivating book, filled with some genuinely useful (and jaw-dropping) child-rearing tips from all over the world' Amy Chua, author of Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother

For any parent weary of the so-called 'expert advice' peddled in books and on TV, How Eskimos Keep Their Babies Warm lifts the lid on how other cultures parent their children, with some interesting – and surprising – insights. Mei-Ling Hopgood explores how mums and dads in other countries approach such issues as bedtime, potty training, healthy eating and playtime squabbles and offers some fascinating new perspectives on how to do things.

This inspiring, engaging and fun read proves that there are many ways to be a good parent - and more than one way to raise a child.
I've been a parent for almost 19yrs and spent 10yrs nursing children in hospital. I'm still learning how to be a better parent.

How Eskimos Keep Their Babies Warm is captivating and entertaining while providing views from other parents and solid research from anthropologists and childcare experts, it's interspersed with the author's experience and observation, to explore and back up the different parenting methods observed.

The author, Mei-Ling Hopgood has a warm , 'honest' personality and she writes with humour and gentle wit. I've learned a whole lot of new ideas and had some of my own views challenged.

Mei-Ling doesn't agree with everything and even challenges what experts tell parents ...especially about potty training infants. It was interesting and easy to read.

I am an accidental 'attachment parent' who breastfed because I could, practiced baby 'wearing' for a short time (because twins do make it more challenging) and co-slept because it worked for us. I had no set ideas and I didn't have solid reasons one way or the other. I've never openly judged other parents and I tried never to offend people ...though breastfeeding my preschoolers was certainly offensive to some.

The message is clear there is no way to be a perfect parent and a million ways to be a good one!

There is just no need to attack other parents choices. I enjoyed this post by Emma too.

Disclaimer: No financial payment  was received . One copy of  How Eskimos Keep Their Babies Warm was sent to me by PAN MACMILLAN AUSTRALIA Books.All opinions are my own. Like them on Facebook

Linking up with    Jess  #IBOT

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Oh sounds like a lovely book! I will go see if they have a kindle version available now!!
1 reply · active 626 weeks ago
I'm a bit like you Trish. I breastfed because I could, wore my babies because they wouldn't let me put them down, and co-slept because it was the only way I got any sleep - I just didn't know there was a name for it at the time :) All the while looking enviously on as other mums seemed to have much more independence (as they put their baby down to bed - awake, where it would 'self settle') :) I like any book that shows us there are many different ways of doing things.
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1 reply · active 626 weeks ago
Yes, ours was more I couldn't put them down baby wearing too. The co sleeping was the only way I got to sleep breastfeeding twins. I cared less what anyone said in preference for sleep.
My recent post How Eskimos keep Their Babies Warm and more than one way to parent a child
always interesting to hear how other cultures do it. And how they do it without passing on judgement to others. we co-slept for over 12 months after saying (when pregnant) that our child would NEVER sleep in our bed...I'm so glad we did. They grow so quick and that is time you never get back. xo Aroha
1 reply · active 626 weeks ago
I'm glad we co slept too but co sleeping with lots of relatives makes for interesting love life ;).
It was only way I got decent sleep.
My recent post How Eskimos keep Their Babies Warm and more than one way to parent a child
So true - lots of ways to be a good parent. This book sounds interesting.
1 reply · active 626 weeks ago
It really was a lovely , interesting read. Not sure everything I would agree with but who is to say it makes us less of parent doing things differently.
My recent post How Eskimos keep Their Babies Warm and more than one way to parent a child
Sounds like a lovely book. I have 3 children and they have all received different approaches to weaning, potty training, and co sleeping - not because I kept changing my mind but because they are all individuals and needed different things. Live and let live, I say!
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1 reply · active 626 weeks ago
I agree Mrs BC and this book kind of backs that up too even within a subset of a culture / family.
My recent post How Eskimos keep Their Babies Warm and more than one way to parent a child
I really have to make an effort to read more - I'm a non-fiction junkie because I just want to know all about the massive world in the short time we are all here for. I was watching a show last night, SBS and thought man I need watch more docos because they are SO interesting and I know I'll never get to some of these places! Em x
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1 reply · active 626 weeks ago
This is a great non fiction read EM, very eye opening but at same time not outrageous.
My recent post How Eskimos keep Their Babies Warm and more than one way to parent a child
That sounds like a really interesting book Trish. It's always nice to hear other peoples perspective on things. I'll have to keep an eye out for it :)
1 reply · active 626 weeks ago
I recommend it Alicia if you are interested in other cultures especially not parenting by the developed world baby manuals.
My recent post How Eskimos keep Their Babies Warm and more than one way to parent a child
My mum is always telling me how lucky I am to have so many parenting resources at my finger tips. When we were growing up there was very little avail label to her and she really had to 'wing it'. (she still did a fab job). You"re so right though - impossible to be perfect but very easy to be a good mum xx
1 reply · active 626 weeks ago
Your Mum sounds lovely and thank you for commenting Mrs D.
So true Trish! There really isn't a way to be THE "perfect" parent because I think there isn't such a thing. But definitely so many ways for us to be good parents, and taking examples from different cultures can sometimes help shape the way we parent too. :)
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I love reading - I would read 1-2 books per week (but it helps that I have a 30-45 minute (depending on traffic etc) bus ride into work each day. That book sounds really interesting. I'm intriuged how the Western cultures find co-sleeping so wrong whereas it's how lots of cultures do it.
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bossymummy's avatar

bossymummy · 626 weeks ago

What a great idea for a book! I haven't read a book since my son was born 3 years ago :( this might be one to download to the iPad :) Great review :)
Sounds like an interesting book Trish! Like you, I just did what I thought I needed to do at the time, and what was right for me. I might have to seek this one out.
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