Thursday, 1 November 2012

On the way from here to there.

I've been slack catching up with comments , emails and everything. I have a plan this month to start working on the everything...

I while ago I signed up to receive the Brave Girls Club daily truth emails.
Here is their blog. It is such an inspiring place to visit ; a quest for happiness for all women.

This is an old message I revisited. It feels like it is from someone who understands my situation completely. I feel my spirits soar reading this message of hope and encouragement.

Dear Lovely Girl,

Look around at what exists in your life right now, beautiful friend. Look at the events that had to be orchestrated to get you to exactly where you are, doing exactly what you are doing, with exactly who you are with, learning exactly what you are learning and experiencing exactly what you are experiencing.

Look at all of this and know that it was meant just for you. If it feels like you are in a place that you would rather not be at this time, just know that you are in the middle....on the way from here to there....and that you will get through it...that it will last exactly as long as it's supposed to last and teach you exactly what you are meant to learn. And later, you will see how this time was one of your very greatest teachers.

If you are in a place that feels miraculous and wonderful...full of beauty and sure to marvel in it. Breathe it in, know that everything brought you to now...and that there's always a reason that will take your breath away.

Everything matters. Every decision matters, every experience matters, every relationship matters, every interaction matters, every lesson matters. Each piece creates a whole that is the life you are living in this moment.

What a miracle.

Have a beautiful weekend.
xoxo - Brave Girls Club.
In all the negative spin , surrounded at the moment by a fair bit of stress and sadness in our daily life , these moments of wonderful remind me be always stay positive and look around for the happiness.

Then deep gratitude seeps in and I know what a good deal I have just to be alive and I breathe a little easier... at least for a while.

(Charlotte Rose)
(Peace Rose)
"We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses."~ Abraham Lincoln

This afternoon,  my path intersected first with the Breast Cancer Support Nurse (who was grocery shopping) in Woolworths . Then a 'strange' (as in I didn't know her) lady stopped to ask me how I was doing and tell me about her hair growing back and encourage me. I'm assuming she noticed my headscarf.

We had a conversation this lady & I , she was clearly having a rough patch with her health and difficulties getting medical treatment. She had/has Breast cancer too and numerous other health issues. A local medical practice had turned her away, today, because she was too complex. She said she thinks she has fallen through the cracks.

The Breast Cancer Nurse  was able to give the lady her 'work' phone number (on the back of an old docket no less) and hopefully will help this lovely lady sort out her complex problems and shine a little light for her.

We swapped numbers and names too. The 'Strange Lady' said to me 'I saw you and I knew I had to speak to you' 

I hope it is serendipitous for this lady - I'm still a little amazed by it.

Do you engage or chat to random strangers ?  

Comments (11)

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I really hope your Breast Cancer Nurse is able to help this poor woman..she must be beside herself worrying about how to treat her illnesses. Since when did people in Australia give up just 'cos something is a bit tough to work out?
My recent post Plucked From the Too Hard Basket...
1 reply · active 645 weeks ago
So do I Carol. I have the lady's number and I will encourage her to follow up with BC nurse.
The scariest thing is I am 99% sure she was describing my GP - at same medical practice I go to . GP is quite a distinctive nationality ; lady GP - who I have found reasonable . She asks me about my mental health each time i go in and referred my boy appropriately to Hosp for review last week.
I think the GP was just being very honest maybe.
Too complex?! That is so sad :(
My recent post #fmsphotoaday October
1 reply · active 645 weeks ago
It did sound complex to me with a Nursing background but I think the GP who also called in senior Drs apparently could have just been too honest. I am 99% sure she was describing my GP - It was at same medical practice I go to . GP is quite a distinctive nationality ; lady GP - who I have found reasonable . She asks me about my mental health each time i go in and referred my boy appropriately to Hosp for review last week.
I found she refers everything on.
I love this post. I often talk to strangers. They are awesome... as you were today... for the stranger that found a friend in you. I've had strangers say the most amazing and helpful things to me:). Sorry I haven't been commenting much either... but I have been reading your journey and witnessing your bravery. :).
1 reply · active 645 weeks ago
I do talk to 'strangers' too - not just on the Internet - In real life it makes life interesting.
I know she thought she was helping me , she did too . I hope some good comes of it for her.
Thank you Joh :) you made my day even better.
Trish, I think talking to strangers is great especially if you have something in common and can help share the load a little. Sometimes it's nice to share something with them you wouldn't usually share with people close to you and it's easier to do with a stranger because you usually won't see them again. It lets it out.
My recent post Fur, Feather and Scales: A Cover up!
1 reply · active 645 weeks ago
Talking about letting it out-- I don't normally show strangers my foam boobs - hoping no one else in WW saw me surreptitiously take out one memory foam boob through my sleeve to show the lady and then slip it back in.
Thanks Penny
I love that letter, it's worth printing out and putting on the fridge. It can go next to my 'footprints' printout. Love the Abe lincoln quote too :) I hope your friend gets the support she needs.
My recent post Halloween
1 reply · active 644 weeks ago
Thanks Alicia - I rang the lady today and she had left a message with the BC nurse -who i know will do what she can.
Trish, you are always an example for me of how to be a better person. Just wanted you to know that.

And yes, I do talk to strangers or they come up and start talking to me. You never know who you might meet that way. =)

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