Friday, 3 August 2012

How to write a Bucket List

Live every act fully, as if it were your last. - Buddha
Are you familiar with The Bucket List , a movie starring Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson?  It follows Freeman and Nicholson as they battle cancer and decide that they need to get out and really experience their lives before they die. They begin by writing out bucket lists and start doing whatever they have to do to cross everything off.

It like the theme of 43 things, 30 before 30 etc .A while back I started a 101 in 1001 days , it's really a list of goals. While you might not actively have a bucket list that you maintain or write down - everyone supposedly has at least one thing that they would really love to do before they die. I know there is such an incredible wealth of things I could try ...better to fail than never try.

This list is awesome !

In theory , I know for me , it's Ah, the bucket list ...hey ! I don't want to even think about it .Who knows how long or little time we have here on earth ! I feel fearful and apprehensive now I am facing a life threatening disease. Talking about my mortality and knowing I have a marathon of treatment (with many serious side effects) ahead of me does my head in.

Still a Bucket list is an ingenious way to motivate myself to get the most out of life.
To not to let it all pass me by, to make me feel that I can accomplish and experience something in this wonderful life. I know I don't want to be too lazy or chicken to try things just because I might fail.

So here I am , gazing at the many unchecked items on my own 43 things and 101 list --
I wonder How do you (or I) write a bucket list ?

Start take mental notes , an online or a hard copy about what comes to mind as you answer these questions:
  • What if you were to die tomorrow  ...What would you wish you could do before you die?
  • What have you always wanted to do but have not done yet ?
  • What will you do if you had money and time ?
  • What are your biggest dreams ?
  • What do you want to see in person ?
  • Any countries, landmarks or cities do you want to visit?
  • What special moments do you want to witness?
  • What experiences do you want to have / feel?
  • What activities or skills are keen to learn or try out?
  • What are the most important things you can ever do?
  • What crazy ? thinking outside the square thing would you like to do ?
  • Have you unresolved things or fears to confront ?
  • What would you like to say or do together with other people? Family? Friends?
  • What spiritual goals do you have ?
I am unsure how I am going to act on mine ...that is once I finish or start making or reviewing an existing  list !

On October 3rd 2010 - exactly 22 months ago I wrote How do you eat an Elephant it was about my 101 list - which I haven't re visited for over 12 months

I am excited to tick a few things off today though still need to review and remove a few impossibilities.

I plan to complete the City to Surf even if I walk most of the way. I've been walking (and running some days) on my treadmill nearly every day to help beat the fatigue of chemo and stay fit and active.

It depends how I go over the next seven days because due to chemotherapy my white blood cell counts (WBC) will fall temporarily. They reach the lowest levels in the second after chemotherapy (from today). As my bone marrow cells recover from the effects of chemotherapy in week 3, my WBC counts will start rising again (back to normal range) . 

Apparently I am more at risk of developing infections from myself than other people. I will have a blood test next Tuesday to see how my WBC are. I'll be taking extra care with everything and checking my temperature and I'll see the Oncology Clinic for review next Thursday too.

Anyway all going well I'll be on the start line Sunday Morning.

Now the punch line , you were waiting for this - right - one thing I have right now on my Bucket List is to raise $1000 for charity -World Vision actually and  I am asking you to help me.

Do you know what can $5 buy you - maybe a snack, a cup of coffee or a bucket of Hot chips (yes I'm craving them) , well I know a when you support their Multiplying Gift Appeal the value of your gift is multiplied many times through World Visions’ partnership with the United Nations World Food Programme so your $5 = $50 . That $50 can feed a family for a MONTH

If you think you can fore-go - one snack or a coffee and want to sponsor me for the City 2 Surf {whether I get to start or not} please click on my link. Don't be shy if $5 is all you can spare, every $5 counts towards my $1000 goal and just think of it as $50 in terms of the good it can bring.

What is on your bucket list ?

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Hmm...not sure if I've got one. that you've brought this up, I'm hoping to at least get to go to one of the countries that are on my list of places to visit - before I die. Then another is to run in some sort of a fundraiser - that goal is sigh...I haven't been training at all so have to start getting into gear SOON!
My recent post Wearing a Scarf as a Necklace & How to Rock An Arm Party
I don't really know much about bucket lists, but I do know that I think you are beyond awesome. I love that you are still hoping to get out there. One of my first thoughts when I heard about your lump was oh no she won't be able to do the run which just seemed like it added to the blow of all you were going through. Much love to you Trish.
My recent post Excuse Me Is My Marriage Showing?
Bucket lists are fantastic! I wrote one in May, and now my aim is to handle my vertigo, so I would like to try hang-gliding out...I'm scared, but that could be a fantastic feeling.
My recent post Decorating a cake:)
Hi just popping in to say hello and hope you are doing ok today love from Jess in Britain xx
My recent post
Oh goodness, Trish, you are fairly special to commit to that.

Just wanted to point out that you can donate by Paypal, so if you have some dollars sitting in your Paypal balance, why not direct it towards a good cause?

I really hope you get to tick this one off!
My recent post Run like a mother: update
I don't know why I've never taken bucket lists seriously. Maybe it's the whole not wanting to think about acknowledge mortality thing. Or maybe it's because i'm not a huge fad follower so the 20 before 20, 30 before 30, 80 before 80, etc always seemed a bit strange since we seem to try and do longer lists and more each bigger milestone birthday when we've really less time to do so much. But really, thinking about it now, it makes me the foolish one not seriously contemplating goals and plans, wishes and dreams. None of us know when our time is up and we don't have to have a serious illness for it to be gone in an instant. Thanks for this post and your bravery in sharing your journey. Many people are wishing you all good things, especially a full recovery. I'm going to make some time to consider a bucket list, even if it seems pie-in-the-sky. Why not?!
My recent post Friendship: Learning to let go
I haven't written my bucket list. I will start writing my list now.
I don't have a bucket list. Life is what it is, it could end tomorrow. I've had a full life, experienced heaps and the future will be what it will be :-)

All the best for the chemo, I hope it is successful.
My recent post Let it go....
Since I have seen the movie, I plan to write a bucket list, it is really beautiful how Morgan and Jack realize their dreams in a couple of weeks. I think everyone should have the opportunity for that.
Since I have seen the movie, I have tried to write a bucket list several times, it is really beautiful how Morgan and Jack realize their dreams in a couple of weeks. I think everyone should have the opportunity for that.
Since I have seen the movie, I try to write a bucket list, it is really beautiful how Morgan and Jack realize their dreams in a couple of weeks. I think everyone should have the opportunity for that.d
Honestly, since I have seen the movie, I plan to write a bucket list, it is really beautiful how Morgan and Jack realize their dreams in a couple of weeks. I think everyone should have the opportunity for that.
I haven't got a bucket list either. If I was to die tomorrow, I would die happy. Every other day is just a bonus!
Big hugs Trish
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