Monday, 20 February 2012

Pancake Flippin'

Tomorrow is #Shrove Tuesday also more commonly known as PancakeDay the day before Ash Wednesday!
An old photo twin 1 took of his brother in July !
 If you are in Sydney tomorrow - Tuesday the 21st of February head on down to Martin Place, Sydney between 7 – 11 a.m to see Award-winning chef Brad Jolly from Alchemy Restaurant, and once personal chef to the Queen Mother. The Royals love Pancakes apparently!

Alex be encouraging spectators to join in and make a Pancake or two in an attempt to break the Guinness World Record for the most Pancakes flipped in one minute.#2

I can't make it :( -  but Australian Eggs is trying to get Pancake day on the Map. I bet it will be flippin' fun - I cannot flip them - I use an egg flipper . I have tried much to the amusement of my children. What a mess !!

I have used many pancake recipes always with three key ingredients – eggs, self-raising flour and milk –plus I use melted butter in the mix . I do use a little sugar for sweet pancakes too. Truly my favourite recipe is here - tomorrow I am swapping milk for buttermilk.

Anyone can create delicious homemade pancakes - pfft why should you pay anyone else outrageous prices to make them.

Pancakes are not just a favourite breakfast in my house - we can eat them at any time of the day, sadly not so much now the drummer boys started school ...they still make a delectable dessert ! 

I have tried them savory style once upon a time (20 yrs ago-yes I am that old) with friends when to Pancakes at Parramatta or the Rocks. I do eat them with Bacon sometimes, more often with icecream and strawberries, blueberries and caramelised bananas. Sometimes yoghurt or ricotta !

Brad's top tip -  the key to making the perfect Pancake?
First have a really good non stick pan, than once you pour batter into a very hot pan make sure that you wait until you see air bubbles forming - this tells you it's time to flip it.

#2 The current title currently sits at 117 pancakes flipped, achieved by Aldo Zilli (Italy) on the set of Blue Peter, BBC 1, London, UK, on 24 February 2009.

PS : The happiest day of my Western Australian adventure was the day both my twins decided they wanted to try and EAT eggs - now they want them every day.
The Heart Foundation’s latest review of the evidence showed that all Australians can eat up to 6 eggs per week as a part of a healthy balanced diet that is low in saturated fat. That’s an egg a day for six days or three serves of two in a week.
If you want the best tips on how to boil/poach/scramble eggs? (Or any questions around cooking with eggs)
A huge range of great tips and tricks, as well as recipes, can be found at

#Tradiitonally - it meant you used up the flour, eggs and dairy products in your kitchen before the start of Lent which is a time of abstinence and reflection in the 40 days before Easter.

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I didn't realise that the pancakes were the smart household's way to use up flour, eggs and dairy products before the start of Lent - learn something new everyday! Thanks!

I'm debating whether to serve pancakes for breakfast or lunch tomorrow - the 8.30am kinder start doesn't really leave much time for maple syrup devotion! Happy pancake day!

Di x
My recent post How to make a Hello Kitty cake
1 reply · active 681 weeks ago
I love your Hello Kitty cake - hope you got your pancakes today !
I can't believe I scheduled a pancake post for tomorrow without knowing it was Shrove Tuesday Trish. Maybe it was my inner 'pikelet' screaming out for a pancake post. LOL

Anne xx
My recent post High tea for me
1 reply · active 681 weeks ago
Your pancakes look great too Anne.
Hehe I was going to write a post like this...but ran out of steam :) I can't make it tomorrow either, but it does sound like fun! Told my boys we would get up early and have pancakes (a treat usually reserved for weekends). P.s I can't flip either!
1 reply · active 681 weeks ago
My boy wanted me to flip them this morning but I was using the deep frypan LOL.
Yummy!! I LOVE pancakes :) Hmm, might need to make some this week!
My recent post Overthinking: Finding Your Peace
My son is a pancake-oholic. I have never seen a child pack them away like he does. One of his favourite days of the year!!!
My recent post Week 20 -The Ultrasound.
The kids had Pancake Day at school on Monday and is having another one on Wednesday. Don't think the canteen is doing it because of the actual significance of the day, more to do with getting in on the fun of eating pancakes and making some money on the side too. ;)
My recent post Have We Been Wired to Say “Yes”?
All of our boys love pancakes, and even Daddy! But I am not much into them - gee it would be so cool to be in Sydney and see the biggest pancake flipping and breaking of the record!

My recent post Rest and Relaxation For Our Youngest

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