Thursday, 9 February 2012

Become the family bread winner ~ Baker's delight {Giveaway}

“If thou tastest a crust of bread, thou tastest all the stars and all the heavens.” Robert Browning

I don't need to sell you on Bakers delight bread - it sells itself and our new local store is quite becoming a favourite stop off when I go shopping. My boys love the pink finger buns & cheesy mite scrolls , rolls and I just try to look away from all the deliciousness like Sourdough, Chia bread and oh everything.

Bakers delight have a new Back To School Facebook competition, where you have the chance to a win a year’s worth of bread for your family!

Our first term has well and truly kicked off , we are just finishing up our first week of school.
By now parents, like me, across Australia are scratching their heads to come up with exciting, energy filled lunchbox ideas that get eaten ...and that don’t end up in the bin or bottom of the school bag!

So why not share your brilliant ideas, and gain new ones by entering - Bakers Delight competition.
It's so easy to enter ...

All you have to do is create a lunchbox masterpiece/s, including sandwich or roll suggestion, take a photo and log onto

There you will have the opportunity to upload your “Back To School” creation to the competition tab for people to rate your lunchbox idea. 

The lunchbox with the most ‘likes’ from each state will win a whole year’s worth of bread! 

Competition is open now and ends 27 February 2012. Encourage your friends to vote for your lunchbox. Your creation can gain the title of “Australia’s best school lunch idea”, and keep your family’s tummies full all year!
Here is my entry -
Chicken Schnitzel, avocado, rocket on Chia Bread ...we love it !
To get you started I have 3 x $10 vouchers to giveaway to 3 lucky winners -

Leave a comment and tell me your brilliant idea -
Giveaway closes Sunday 12th 11.59pm !
Australian Residents only.

Ps Click on BD Facebook page voucher tab to print and redeem a free Cheesymite scroll when you buy a loaf and click on my entry in gallery too if you like *sob* I only have 1 vote !

Comments (22)

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All the things my Fussy One loves (Ham, beetroot, cheese,cheesybite spread, loads of butter and some potato chips squeezed in too. and all the better if I use Begas's new sandwich cutter and cut off the crusts while turning it into a cutout Australia shape!!
Vacation Rental News's avatar

Vacation Rental News · 683 weeks ago

Hm... the greatest sandwich ever is full of cheese, fresh tomatoes and rucola, and of course you can toast the bread...mmm yummy!
I just love grated carrot and yummy!
2 replies · active 678 weeks ago
hi Lisa you are the winner of the Bakers Delight voucher
Thanks Trish! That's fab news!!
This one looks really delicious! I just got hungry...
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Narelle Rock's avatar

Narelle Rock · 683 weeks ago

Thinkly sliced warm roast chicken, layer of mashed potato, another layer of chicken and some grated cheese...awesome!
I don't do Facebook.
I do, however, buy Baker's Delight bread rolls, mostly the plain white ones, because they're my favourite, and I fill them with ham and cheese with a little mustard for "bite".
I also love their fruit buns, spread with real butter. And their vienna loaf, and.......
2 replies · active 670 weeks ago
HI River you are the winner of the Bakers Delight voucher
hi River I have searched my emails over and over - can you please re send your home address so I can send off your Bakers Delight voucher . Your named email bounced.
Shaved smoked turkey, cranberry sauce, cracked pepper and tobasco sauce. Spicy and delicious.
If I'm feeling a bit fancy... I'd love to make a sandwich with fresh wholemeal bread from Baker's Delight, a Wagyu beef patty, a tangy onion relish, avocado, beetroot, brie cheese and mushrooms! It would take a lot of effort though which is why I usually stick to Nutella sandwiches when eating at home haha...
2 replies · active 670 weeks ago
Hi Liz you are the winner of the Bakers Delight voucher please email me with your address & details
hi Liz I have searched my emails over and over - can you please re send your home address so I can send off your Bakers Delight voucher
Mary Preston's avatar

Mary Preston · 682 weeks ago

When we feel like a sandwich feast we toast the bread & make our own hamburgers: BBQ beef & onion rings, oodles of fresh garden salad & tomato or BBQ sauce. It does not get much better than that.
Yummy grilled chicken, with pineapple, tomato and lettuce on wholemeal bread with a liiiiiiiitle bit of mayo (the glue of the masterpiece!!)
My kids choose their own sandwich fillings. Sure, salami and Vegemite sandwiches may sound weird, but at least they eat their lunch.
Smoked ham, cheddar cheese, slices of tomato and lettuce topped with a decent amount of low fat mayonnaise on a multi-grain bread is my healthy choice for the kids!
Ooooh, I always loved this:

A fresh, crunchy-crusted roll, folds of shaved mild salami, torn rocket, finely sliced red onion, smoked cheese, grated carrot and a smear of red wine wholegrain mustard.

Mostly we just ate Vegemite and cheese, devon and sauce and that sort of thing but the above is awesome for a treat!

kate1485 at hotmail dot com
Our boys all have different likes for sandwiches! Our youngest only likes Peanut Butter and Honey sandwiches (every day!), our 10 year old likes tomatoe, cheese, cucumber and mayonnaise (every day!) and our 13 year old makes his own creations - gee sometimes I wouldn't be game enough to try them!
Our 16 year old loves Cheese, Tomatoe, Red Onion toasted Sandwiches!
Your one looks so yummy :)
I'm such a bread-o-phile that I'll just eat the bread. Maybe some butter. But I don't like to have fillings 'ruining' the delicious fresh bread taste!

Otherwise, just a slice of a meat, some spinach leaves, mushroom and carrot, and I'm a very happy camper. Delish and nutrish!
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